chapter 4

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I woke up shocked in a sweat panting I would have shot up but something was holding me down. I looked next to me and it was gabbys sleeping form snuggled up next to me one arm over my chest. "Ok it was just a dream." I thought to myself. since I didn't want to wake gabs, I tightly snuggled back up to her and went back to sleep. When I woke up the next time there was an empty space where she was laying. I shot up and looked to the right and she was gone. I panicked and jumped out of bed and ran down stairs. I saw lilith laying there on the couch which eased me a little, but what if they reset to before she got here. Then I go in to the kitchen and see paps and gabs working on marketing breakfast. "Oh thank god." I signed to myself. "Hey guys what's for breakfast." I asked. "Hehe oh hey sleepy head. I'm teaching papy how to make French toast." said Gabriella. "Its not the same as spaghetti but because I am so great it will be good just the same." papyrus said. "That's great paps can't wait to try it." I replied. "Hey gabs how 'bout you come with me today on sentry duty." I asked. "Sounds great sans." she said and smiled at me in a way that was just too cute, it made me go blue in the face. "Enjoy it wall it lasts hahahahaha" a voice said. I didn't know where it came from but I could tell it was chara again. "Shut up." I shouted out loud accidentally. It shocked gabby and paps. "S-sans.. Th-then why did you ask." she said slightly scared and upset. Oh Shit "no no I'm sorry gabs I was talking a voice in my head I didn't mean to say that out loud." I said quickly. "O-ok you still want me to go then," she asked. "Yes of course I do babe-" I said that last word accidentally slipped out. I started blushing wildly and so did she. "Babe? Brother didn't you two just meet." papyrus questioned. "Uh uh well you see I umm....." I studdered. "We kinda knew about each other and when we finally got together last night we umm....." gabby tries to continue with an excuse. "It was like love at first now where going out?" I questioned looking to gabby for approval. To which she looked shocked and she was blushing really hard. Then she smiled a smile that seemed to be full of joy and nodded. "Oh that's great brother maybe this will make you less lazy too." papyrus said. "Oh I don't know papy this is sans where talking about. He's not much for getting his bones rattled working." gabs said makeing I chuckled and blushed. "Well I can think of things I'd love to do that gets my bones rattled." I thought to myself. "Oh my god no not another one why I thought you would be good for my brother." said papyrus exasperated. "Come on paps you know you love us and the puns." I said. "I do and I'm not sure I like it." he said then went back to the French toast. "Somethin smells good." says a sleepy lilith who just entered the room. "Yup gabs and paps are marking French toast for breakfast." I said as I continued to watch them content, and a bit proud she seemed to notice. "You love her Don't you." she asked. "Wh-what where did you-" I exclaimed before she cut me off. "I can tell with this sort of thing you pick it up after you fall in love with someone then observe other people. You can just kinda tell." she explained. I looked at her she was looking at papyrus lovingly and content, that must have been what I looked like. "Hey kid," I said getting her attention. She looked at me, "hmm," she replied. "Take care of him." I said, she knew I was talking about paps and she blushed a bit then smiled. "I will if you will." she said holding out her hand smileing. I chuckled and grabbed her hand and shook it. "Deal, I promise." I said. "Great" she said. "The food is done!" exclaimed papyrus. With that we all grabbed a plate of French toast and some syrup. To every ones dismay I grab the ketchup instead and poor that on my French toast. "Oh my god sans can't you not use ketchup on something for once gosh." papyrus said. "To be honest if he didn't I would ask where the real sans was." said gabby and she winked at me. "That's true but still sans you can calm down with the ketchup." said papyrus. "I don't know paps if I slow down I'd just have to ketchup with myself again." I said. Lilith just roles her eyes, gabs bursts out laughing, papyrus starts yelling. "Oh my god sans enough of your jokes let's eat our meal." said papyrus and he took his fork and grab a piece of French toast. The rest of us follow his lead and start eating. It was actually really good, probably thanks to gabs for helping him cool. "This tastes really good paps, good job." I said but winked to gabby to show her help wasn't forgotten. She just smiled and continued eating. "Thanks brother but I couldn't have done it with out gabbys help." papyrus said mentioning to Gabriella. "Oh papyrus it was nothing, it's good to put variety in the meals you can cook so now you put this one on the list." she said. "Well I hope in the future you can show me more recipes that I also add to the list." he asked. "Yeah of course papy I'll help you cook anything if you want." gabs told him. "Oh that would be great thank you." papyrus said.
After breakfast we all went our separate ways, lilith went with papyrus, and gabs went with me, to our stations in snowdin. About an hour past of us just cuddling behind the stand. She sitting on my lap legs going across mine and head on my shoulder. We would share kisses every now and then, but right now she was starting to dose off. Sure enough a few minutes later her grip on my hand loosens slightly, and I can see the steady rise and fall of her chest indicating that she is still breathing. "She looks so cute when she sleeps." I whispered to myself while nuzzleing my cheek in to her forehead placing a loveing kiss to get temple. "Hahahahah you seem to be enjoying yourself don't get too compfy Sansy." chara's voice said again. "Shut up leave us alone." I shouted gabby stired a bit but stayed sleeping. "Oh Sansy I'm not going to be leavening you alone for a long while." chara continued. "Enough leave us alone I won't let you hurt her." I shouted back. Gabby stired again and got closer to waking. Shit, "sh sh sh it's ok stay asleep." I said as I lulled her back to sleep. "Hehehe how sweet though it won't last much longer." chara said again. "Why do you feel the need too antagonize us just leave us alone." I shouted, but never got a response. Gabby didn't even stire at all with that last shout. I looked at her and her face was distressed as if she's was being hurt. She started figiting And twitching, "gabs wake up," I said and stated shaking her to try and get her to wake. With one last shake she shot up, now awake, panting. "Hey gabs your ok you where dreaming." I said. "S-sans I, you,.......oh" she said then hugged me sobing slightly in too my shoulder. "Shh Shh it's ok gabs out was just a dream your fine,I'm fine, everyone is fine."I said as I traced circles on her back. Once she calmed down she broke the hug and looked at me. "Are you feeling better." I asked. "Yeah I think so." she replied. "Ok good. Do you want to tell me what this dream was about." I asked her. "That's the thing I don't remember it I just remember it was scary and it hurt." She said the looke me right in the eyesokets. That's when I noticed it her eyes they wernt the same shade off her Blueish green eyes. They had a Brown maybe even red tint over the natural color. I desided not to bring it up as to not scare her any further. "Hey sans do you mind if I go see toriel for a bit don't worry I'll be back before your next brake." she asked. "Yeah ok I guess so, just be careful ok." I said ascend she got off my lap. "Ok thanks sans I'll see you in a little bit." she replied and started to run off, but I caught her arm as I got up and pulled her back to me. "You think I'm going to let you go with out a good bye kiss." I said leaning in closer to her. "Hehehe you can always kiss me when I get back." she said giggling and blushing. "I don't want to wait that long." I said putting one of my hands behind her head pulling her closer. "Hehe ok and neither do I." she replied and with that I closed the gap panting my teeth on her lips in the best we could do for a kiss. I licked her bottom lip and she didn't hesitate to open her mouth letting me explore her wet cavern. She moaned slightly in longingness before I broke the kiss starting to kiss down her neck. "S-sans..." she gasped makeing me more determined. I searched her neck for her sweet spot licking and nipping every inch. When I finally found it she gasped a moan and I went back and bit the area. "Sans~" she moaned slightly. I licked the area soothing the site where I left my mark. I went back to her lips in to an open mouth kiss, kissing her till we run out of air. Breaking the kiss I looked her deep in the eyes, she did the same to my eyesokets, we were still connected by a strand of Saliva. "There." I chuckled. "Now I might be able to last till you get back." I said she chuckled. "And now people will knew your taken." I said rubbing the still tender skin around her neck. "Hehe sansy." she chucked and blushed. I released her from my embrace. "Ok you better hurry back ok gabs." I said jokingly. "I will, bye Sansy." she said chuckling and turned towards the ruins walking off. "Bye." I said and then she was out of view.

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