Chapter 6

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I woke up the next day to an empty space in my bed again. "She's probably just makeing breakfast with paps again." I thought to myself. I walked downstairs and noticed Lilith wasn't on the couch either, nor was there any sign of her being there. "Oh no was there a reset Gahh right when it started to go slightly right." I said to myself. Then I smelled something really good comeing from the kitchen. It was a plate of pancakes with a note next to it on the counter. The note read, " hey sans we made you some breakfast for when you wake up. I convinced paps to give you the day off in exchange for me going with him to help him at his station, so just relax today. Enjoy the pancakes. I love you, Gabriella." hehehe ok so it wasn't a reset good. "I can't believe she convince pap to give me a day off." I said to myself as I grab the pancakes and started eating. I desided that on this once in a life time opportunity I would go hang out with tori since I haven't seen her in a long while. I finished up breakfast and then put my plate and silverware in to the sink to be cleaned later and headed off to the ruins. I went through the door and went upstairs in her house. "Hey tori, paps gave me the day off so I thought I would hang out with you." I said throughout the house hopeing she would hear me from where ever she was. No answer. "Hey. Tori. You here." I asked, still no answer. "Hey Z, yuna how bout you two. You guys around." I shouted. Yet again no response. "Maybe they went out on an errand run, they should be back later so I'll just wait for them to get back." so I went in to the dinning room and sat down in one of the chairs to wait. It was about 30 minutes later and I fell a sleep there and didn't wake up for a few hours. When I woke up I shouted again "hey tori, Z, yuna you guys back." still no answer. Hmm where did they go that's takeing them so long. I desided to go out and look for them. I walked out side of tori's house and down the path past the big dead looking tree, and then in the distance I noticed a pile of dust. I ran as fast as I could to the dust. "T-tori is this what happend?" I asked to no one in particular. Then I looked around in my surroundings it was in the same spot as the dream I had where Gabriella killed her and.....Z, Yuna. "What if the dream was true and she did kill them." I said panicked I ran through the ruins to the spot in the dream where she killed Z, and yuna and there they where. There bodys bloodied and lifeless on the ground. There souls completely gone from there body. "Shit Shit Shit the dream was true. Gabriella killed them, and I....I.....I failed her I was too blind to see it. I had a feeling something was happening but I was blinded by everything going right, and in turn she slowly became possessed by chara." I said anger growing inside me. Then I realized something she had asked to go see toriel the other day that's when she killed them, and now she's with paps and Lilith. "Oh no Shit she's planing to kill them too." I shouted and teleported home. "Hahahahah so you finally figured it out, to bad it's to late to do anything about it." chara said in my head. "Shut up no it's not I'll save paps, and Lilith. Then I'll find a way to exterminate you from gabs." I shouted. "Oh you think it's going to be that easy I've been possessing her for a while now and you just brushed it off as nothing, and now I have full control over her and I can't just be 'exterminated' from her body. Ahahahahahahahah so it's your fault she is possessed since you didn't do anything at the beginning." chara said. "You shut up I'll save her and make sure you never bother us again." I shouted again getting angrier and more frustrated. "Hahahaha you can try, but what will you do when you realize I'm not leaving from her body and you will be forced to kill her." said chara. "It won't come to that." I shouted back at her. "That's you think." chara said. "You need to shut up." I shouted again, and then I realized something she is just distracting me. I left my house again and headed towards paps sentry station. "Hey what's point Sansy pansy, there just going to be dead when you get there." chara said. "How about shutting up and stop distracting me cause not going to work." I said back then ignored her fro the rest of the walk. When I got there gabs was on top of Lilith holding the knife pointed at her chest and Lilith was struggling to keep it from going in to her chest. Papyrus was standing behind them looking very confused. "G-Gabriella why why are you attacking us, is something wrong." papyrus said. She didn't respond just laughed manyacly. She started to get the upper hand against Lilith. "P-please stop fighting were your friends please dont hurt Lilith, please I love her." papyrus shouted at the two. It caught Lilith off guard and she let it affect her strength, Letting gabs get the better of her and the knife started to pirce her chest. I grab Gabriella using my magic and lifted up in to the air. But it was too late at the last instant as she was being lifted up she drove the knife in to her chest leaving Lilith at 1 hp. "Lilith"papyrus shouted then grabbed her body pulling it up to him. He was crying "i-it's ok Lilith I'll help you I won't let you die" he said to her. He then grabbed the knife, but I saw her go stagger a bit. "Paps no dont-" I shouted, but I was too late. He already pulled the knife out of her chest and her up went down to zero. Her blue soul, the color same as mine, went out in front of her chest it cracked then shattered. "W-what n-no no no no L-Lilith no please don't go." papyrus shouted holding close burying his head in her chest crying. "AHAHAHAHAHAHAH Just think if she hadn't of stepped in the way and protected you she would be alive and you would be dead." Gabriella said. "You be quite you why did you do that she was your friend." papyrus said confused but an underlying rage was there. He stood up the rage that was underlying in his voice now surfacing and it was very apparent. "Hahahahah what are you going to do about it." asked Gabriella. His rage was fueled "sans put down Gabriella." he said voice calm but full of rage. "No paps she isn't in her right mind dont do anything you will regret." I said trying to reason with him still holding her in the air. "Sans I said put her down right now." he shouted. "No papyrus I won't let you hurt her, just give me some time to help her and bring her back." I said. "Fine if you won't put her down I'll make you." he said, used he magic to throw me back catching me off guard and dropping gabs to the ground. She ran and grabbed the knife and went after papyrus. Papyrus threw his attacks at her but she dodged them with ease. "Paps watch out" I shouted and he just barely dodged her attack but then she moved to the side and attacked him again landing the attack acrossed his chest in one fluid movement. "PAPYRUS" I shouted and he turned to dust and his light blue soul shattered. "No no no no." I shouted I grabbed Gabriella and held her up in the air my left eye flareing blue with anger. "Ahahahahahah aww what's the matter Sansy did I struck a nerve." chara said using gabs voice. "Get out of her body." I shouted and slammed her body to the ground. She had a total of 70 hp and a L.O.V.E. of 13 my attack did 5 damage to her. "Hahahahah you think slamming me to the ground is going to make me leave, I told you Sansy I won't ever leave her body I've possessed it so long that I'm a permanent addition to her. The only way to get rid of me is death." chara said. "Enough" I shouted and lifted her up again. "Get out, get out, get , get out." I kept relating it over and over as I slammed her body against the ground doing more and more damage each time till her hp was at 1. She coughed up blood but I still didn't let her go. "S-s-sans." she asked then looked up her eyes where there original blue-green hue from before. I let go of her with my magic and ran to her side. "Gabs your back." I said then in an instant her eyes turned back to red and she swong at me with the knife. Luckly I dodged it and grabbed her with my magic again and lifted her up in to the air. Chara was getting ready to say something but before she could I slammed her on the ground for the last time takeing away the one hp she had. Her body went limp and her purple soul came out of her chest cracked then shattered. "Damn it I'm sorry. I'm sorry tori, Z, Yuna, Lilith......paps. I'm sorry I couldn't save you, and sorry gabs that I was too blind to see what was happening." I said as I dropped to my knees crying "I'm sorry I couldn't prevent this." I shouted. I swayed slightly I guess you could say the battle left me bone tired, I joked to myself. I started to laugh, but soon the laughing turned to crying, and the crying turned to drowsiness as I fell in to the snow laying down and fell asleep as everything went black.

(A.N. this is the final chapter of this book but Together tale is not over this is only the first book of the two part book series the second book is called Togethertale-The true end and if you've finished this book I hope you Wil check that book out as well when I put it out that is.)

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