v. fame

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v. fame

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"Slow down," Olivia said, in shock. I was telling her all about the YouNow I did with Blake. "Why didn't you tell me before?!" She said, she had seen a couple of tweets I had sent responding to Blake's fans and she freaked out when she saw my followers count. In just two weeks I had gained five thousand followers on Twitter and four thousand on YouNow. With help from Blake, of course, he would tweet about me every now and then. My snapchat also went from getting 40-50 views to getting 200+. And my Instagram page had about four thousand followers now, too. It was nothing compared to Blake's following count, obviously, but it was crazy for me. "I can't believe my best friend is going to be internet famous."

"Sorry, I just didn't want to be like 'hey, i'm famous now'" I said laughing, "It's so weird, I'm not though. They only follow me because I know Blake."

"Wait!" Olivia said, looking shocked, "How come you never told me Blake was internet famous? Why didn't you tell me? We've been hanging out with a celebrity all this time."

I thought about what she said, it never felt as if I was hanging out with a celebrity. He never had to find from fans, in the many times I had hung out with him only about five fans came up to him. And they were mostly very chill as well. Blake was very normal about it, I don't think even he realized how many fans he actually had. "Honestly, most of the time I'm hanging out with him I forget he's internet famous. He doesn't act like it." I said shrugging.

Olivia seemed very surprised about all of this, I would be too. "So, can we do a YouNow?" She asked.

I thought of it, I hadn't done a YouNow in a while. Actually I had only done two alone since the one I did with Blake. "Okay, but don't freak out on camera, okay?"

Olivia rolled her eyes, "Of course I won't. Now how do you even do a YouNow?"

I grabbed my laptop from my desk and brought it back to my bed. I stopped to check in the mirror if my hair, teeth and general face were okay. I had no makeup on but I was too lazy for that. I opened the YouNow website and logged in. "I'm going to tweet about it."

@scarlettreeed: hey!! i'm going live on YouNow ! Come watch x

I started broadcasting and said things like "Hey guys!" and "How are you?" Until the viewers count went up a little. When we reached two hundred I decided to introduce Olivia. "Guys, this is my best friend, Olivia."

"Hi!" She said coming into the camera and sitting next to me on the bed. "Hey."

The viewers count kept going up and we just started telling them about what we did in the day. Then we decided to read out some questions because they really enjoyed being 'noticed'. Most of the time I didn't answer most tweets I received, simply because I didn't have time. Also because half of them were like "follow me" or "TELL BLAKE TO FOLLOW ME". Every now and then I would follow a couple of them. Anyway, we both started reading out question.


"Nah," I said, "I'm not even good at YouNow imagine me on Youtube." I said laughing.


"I like Skittles." Olivia said,

"Same." I said, looking at my desk where we had a bag of Skittles, "They're the best."


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