Chapter Three

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The two fell back asleep again, only to be woken up two hours laters by the sound of giggling and the clicks of a camera. "Marinette, where's your alarm? That sound is annoying." Adrien complained with a sleepy voice.

Marinette snuggled up closer to him and ran her fingers through his blonde locks. "You're so silly, but seriously, that's not my alarm. Go back to sleep, maybe it'll go away soon."

He looked at her with a half annoyed half sleep deprived face. "Then where is it coming from!? It better have a good reason for disturbing my cat nap because-"

A thud came from behind Marinettes desk. "What the heck?" They said in unison.

Adrien threw off the covers and stood up in his boxers. He saw a pair of baggy sweats on the floor and grabbed them. "Can I borrow you sweats?" He looked to Marinette for permission. She nodded and sat up on the edge of the bed with only a tank top and boy shorts. He slipped into the clothing which wasn't at all baggy on him.

Marinette watched as her partner cautiously made his way around the desk. He scratched his head and sighed. "Did you find the alarm?" She giggled.

"Nope. I guess I was just hearing things. I could've sworn I heard laughing." He made his way back to the bed. "I think I know where the noise is coming from." He whispered into her ear.

"I thought you said-"

"I know what I said, but my hearing is never wrong." He flopped back under the covers. 'There's someone in this room. I can smell them.' "Hey Marinette! So do you still have Chat Noir's phone number!" He winked at her.

She caught on to his charade and played along with it. "Oh totally! Here it is right here!" They both snickered into their hands.

Like an explosion, Alya sprung from behind the desk and grabbed her best friends hands. "Where! Give me!" She shouted. A frustrated Adrien and a giggling Marinette greeted her.

"Hey Alya. Sorry but, I have yet to get his digits." She glanced over at the half awake boy in her bed and gave him a Chat-like smirk.

"Sorry to interrupt, but before we were so rudely awakened, I was getting my beauty sleep." The cranky tomcat whined. "Come on Mari, it's cold without you!"

The bluenette rolled her eyes and continued to converse with her friend. "So why were you hiding behind the desk?"

"You're not gonna ask her why she was in your apartment first?" He asked confused.

She sighed put her head in her hands. "I gave her a key."

He finally sat up and wrapped his arms around Marinette from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder. "Wow, I don't even do that with Nino."

The blogger watched in awe as they talked so calmly. If there was one thing she was certain of, it was that her best friend was a stuttering mess around this boy. "Ahem! Excuse me!" She interrupted.

The pair looked to the brunette with curious eyes. "Yes, Alya?"

"Anyone care to explain-WHAT IS GOING ON?!" She shouted which caused Adrien to cover his ears. His cat senses didn't cease with his suit.

Marinette looked worriedly towards her partner. "Are you okay amour?" She asked and rubbed his his temples with her thumbs.

"Yeah I'm fi-" He started.


Marinette cut her off in a slightly angered tone. "I could ask you the same. Could you keep it down? Adrien has-uh-medical condition which enhances his hearing."

The twenty year old doubled over in pain. It felt like a sonic boom had gone off in his brain. "Jesus Alya! I've never heard someone scream that loud. Calm down would you? Mari, do you have any headache medicine?"

"Yeah. It's behind the mirror above the sink." She motioned to her bathroom.

"Thanks princess." He walked off.

Alya dragged her friend out the bedroom and into her living room. She pushed Marinette down onto the chaise and fired her questions like a machine gun. "What-how-when-are you even listening to me Dupain-Cheng!" She whisper shouted.

"Huh? Oh yeah. Sorry I was distracted." She was actually stalling till her kitty cat came back to help her out of this mess. "What were you saying?"

"Errr....You know, I'm glad I came early for our girls night out. I got a show and I didn't even have to pay. I'm really sorry about his condition though." She shoved her phone in Marinettes face. "You and Adrien huh?" She teased.

Marinette went white as a sheet. It was a pic of her laying on top of him while their legs intertwined. "I-I....we....tha-"

Saved by the bell. Adrien walked in with earplugs, ready for anything. "What I miss?"

"Oh Alya here was just asking how we got together. Tell her amoureux." She insisted nervously.

He rubbed the back of his neck and looked towards the blogger then back to his, he assumed, girlfriend. "My dear Ladyblogger, that is a story for another time."

Before she could respond, screams came from down on the streets. The three raced to the balcony and looked for the source. A beautiful woman dressed like royalty and holding a black scepter waltzed down the street, shooting dark beams at passers by. "I am Maleficent! You shall all bow down to me!" The beams she fired made the people of Paris turn into forest-like creatures.

Marinette and Adrien shared a glance. "Why don't you go find Ladybug and Chat Noir?" Mari suggested.

"Right! Thanks Mar! Can we reschedule our girls night out?" She asked already running for the door.

"Of course!" She watched her friend slam the door and turned to where previously stood a handsome model. "Oh Chat Noir! On my balcony? How wonderful~" She sighed dramatically.

He chuckled and kissed her on the cheek. "Be back in a few purrincess. I love you." Extending his baton, a hand gripped his wrist. "Mari?"

"I need to tell you something when you come back Chat. Don't get hurt okay? I love you." A bit of sadness was in her voice but a kiss from her kitty perked her right up. "Get out of here chaton. Your lady needs you!"

"As you wish." He bowed and pole vaulted across the rooftops until he caught up with the akuma.

"I'm one of lucky girl." She sighed.

"That you are." Tiki agreed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2016 ⏰

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