You know what they say "if you look good , you automatically feel good".I always said that if I'm not happy with myself then how can I expect myself to make someone else happy. Therefore I decided to work on myself first before I go into a relationship. Because remember, ones you are dating you should date for long term and not just for a "title" as they say.
You must be able to make your spouse happy and not just think about yourself and how it'll benefit you in the end.
Like most woman, I have decided to remain single. Due to my past relationships I have had nothing but unpleasant experiences. I refuse to put my all into a relationship and my partner doesn't bring his part, because no woman wants to be in a relationship where she has to do everything , plan everything, make all the decisions etc.
Like Oprah Winfrey ones said " Don't fully commit to a man who doesn't give you everything that you need"
I was hurt so badly that I started doubting in myself. Telling myself that I am not good enough, not beautiful enough, my hair isn't long enough, lack of confidence, letting myself believe that I am too fat to even be recognized by any decent guys. I was literally torn into pieces. but there is nothing like prayer. And well, I serve a living God, and without Him I wouldn't have got through my heartbreak and pain.
We all have different reasons as to why we date. Some might feel the need to be in an relationship just for the "title" or because they are afraid of being "alone". As to where i feel, The day you decide to go in an relationship with someone, is the day you should be ready for commitment. Where you are dating for 'Marriage' and not just for 'fun' or to pass time.
Honestly, the dating game is not for
everyone. Everybody takes it differently. Everyone wants different things in life. And not everyone wants 'marriage'.
Single and Happy
Short StoryA brief input on how to be single , why you should be happy with yourself before being in an relationship. How you don't need a man to define you. Your inner beauty and taking care of yourself. Nobody can do you, like you do 'You' !