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Hayes's POV

About 15 criminals walked down.

"Hahaha. So we found them." The one with tattoos said.

"Finally. You annoying dicks think that you can live?" The oily obesity one said.

The bald one lifted his gun. "Wait!" Taylor yelled.

"what?" The one with the tattoos telling aggravated.

"I'm thirsty. Can I go get some water?" Taylor said.

"....shoot him first" the tattoo guy said.

"Hey! If you're gonna slaughter us....can we be hydrated when it happens? I mean-seems fair to me" Taylor said.

"fine! You-Go take the bandanna bitch to get a stupid drink." The tattoo guy said to the one with obesity and was all oily.

Taylor and him walked upstairs.

Hm. Taylor's gotta plan. What do you think it is?

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