Meeting Them

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    You had been working at McDonalds for a year now. Your parents forced you to get a job. Not that you're bitter about it! In fact you met a pretty cute American today.
    "Yo I'll have five of the Big Macs!" Said, no, more like hollered a blonde boy with a cowlick and glasses who looked to be about 19.
    "Okay, that'll be $15." You mumbled, working on his order.
    "Aww you mumbled! That's adorable!"
    "U-um..." You blushed, not sure how to react. A customer has never called you adorable for mumbling before. They usually tell you to speak up. "Th-thank you?"
    "And you stuttered! Dudette that really is cute." He grinned at you. "Hey, can I get your number?"
    You didn't respond as you put his order together but grabbed your sharpie and wrote your phone number on his cup.
    "Awesome!" He exclaimed and went to sit down at a table, smiling like the dork he is.

    "May I sit here?" You hear a British accent ask.
    "Sure," you say without looking up from your book. You had an essay you had to finish that was due tomorrow because you procrastinated on tumblr. You ran to the library an hour ago. And now you have little time to finish. You had no time to be distracted by now.
    Without your knowing, the owner of the accent sat down across from you. He looked over at your work.
    "Procrastinated, huh?" He whispered.
    "Yes, so if you could not say anything to me, that would be terrific." You looked up at him and paused. Damn, You thought. His accent wasn't the only thing hot about him. He had emerald green eyes, short blonde hair, and bushy brows. You hadn't realized he was talking. "I-I'm sorry, what?"
    "I was asking what you were working on? Maybe I could help?"
    "Just an essay summarizing the history of the UK."
    "I could help with that."
    He moves to the seat beside you and you finish working in an hour. But you two talk for two more hours and walk away with each other's number.

    You are extremely pumped! You finally are getting to see a hockey game for the first time in person. You've been saving for months and are getting to see the action up close.
    As soon as you sit down, exhausted from cheering, you feel a tap on your shoulder. "Hmm...?" You turn around to see a blonde man with long hair and round glasses.
    "You okay, eh? You just went silent." He said in a small voice.
    "I'm just a bit tired." You reply.
    "I see. Well can I maybe buy you a hot chocolate?"
    "That would be great! This is my first time at a hockey game and I didn't realize the food would be so expensive."
    "Yeah, you have to bring a bit more money to pay for these things." He smiles and buys the hot chocolate for both of you. You walk away from the the game with his phone number and him with yours. I'm going to have to come to these things more often, You think.

You were heading to the Chinese restaurant to get dinner for you and your father. You went inside and sat down at a table.
    "Hello, how may I help you?" A waiter says. You look up and he is taken aback. He is amazed by your huge (e/c) eyes, (h/l) (h/c) hair, and button nose. You looked like a doll.
    "Y-Yeah, um I-I ordered something over t-the phone." You manage to stutter out. He was handsome with his brown eyes and long black hair pulled into a ponytail.
    He nodded and went into the kitchen and brought back your food with a note in the bag that said:
    Call me- (***)-***-***
-Yao Wang.
    You smiled.

You looked at your watch and smiled. Only one more customer to deliver to today. You work at a flower shop and have one sunflower left to give. You hop into your flower van and rush to the last house.
You arrive at a gate and a man with a sympathetic look on his face allows you in. You knock on the door and say
"(L/N)'s Flower Delivery!"
A tall man with light brown hair answers the door. "Hello." He smiles.
"Did you order this sunflower?" You ask.
"Yes, please follow me." He goes through his house and into his back yard, you following close behind.
You gasp as you see the beauty of a sunflower field. He takes the flower in your hand and pots it. "You like my garden, da?"
"It's beautiful! I've never seen anything like it!" You exclaim.
"Thank you. I've worked hard on it."
For the next few hours you two talk about flowers and when he tries to give you your money you deny it and go home.

You sighed. You can't believe (b/f/n) had roped you into going on a date. And a blind date at that. Oh well, maybe this one will actually go well this time, you thought. You looked down at your plain (f/c) dress and matching heels/flats.
You hear your doorbell ring and go to answer it. There stands a man with auburn hair and a curl.
    "Ciao bella~ I'm Feliciano, your date! But you can call me Feli!" He said, grinning.
    You stood there for a moment thinking God he's enthusiastic. "I'm
(F/N) but you can me (N/N)."
He led you to a fancy restaurant and you spent the night talking about pasta and such.

"Tomatoes! Tomatoes for sale!" You yelled from behind your sale stand.
A man with dark auburn and curl on the left side of his head came up to the stand. He had a grumpy look on his face too. "Tomatoes?" He said.
"Yessir! We got all kinds, take your pick!" You said with a strong southern accent and a grin on your face.
"Idiota ragazza," he said under his breath.
"Bene che non è bello (Well that's not nice.)," You said to him.
"I'm not nice." He chuckled and picked out some that he wanted and you bagged them and took his money.
"I'm sure you could if you wanted too."
"You really are an idiota ragazza."
"Maybe I am. You won't truly know unless you get to know me." You challenged.
"Fine then." He took a paper bag and pencil and wrote down his phone number. "Call me." He said and left.

For a while you've been working at a book store. And every once and a while and blonde man with slicked back hair and bright blue eyes. He would come in and buy a book about 'how to' this and 'how to' that. All of the books involved socializing in some way. You though it was adorable.
One day he came up to the counter. "Excuse me, I'm looking for a book on how to ask someone out." He said.
You giggled. "I'm afraid we don't sell that here. But if you really want to know, it's simple."
He raised his eyebrow. "How?"
    "Well... Start off by telling them how you feel. If they feel the same way, then you ask them out on a date."
    "And if they say no?"
    "You say okay and walk away."
    He nods and looks down.
    You speak up. "Is there anything else I can help you with?"
    He looks up, his face a deep shade of red. "My name is Ludwig and I've been coming in here for a few months. Every time I come you are sitting in that desk or helping someone. You are... Beautiful in my opinion and basically I believe I have what most people would call a crush. What I want to know is if you feel the same?"
    With every word your face gets even redder. After a while of silence he turns around, mumbling "I see..."
    You go around your desk as soon as he reaches the door and hug his neck. "Ohmigosh that speech was adorable! Yes I feel the same!"
    He blushes and turns towards you. "Then will you go out with me?"

    You've been walking around an anime convention cosplaying as Yui Komori, humming softly. Suddenly you see someone dressed as Ayato Sakamaki. He grins and walks over to you.
    "What an authentic costume, pancake." He says.
    "U-um... Thank you..." You mumble, some of your (H/C) hair coming out from under your wig.
    He smiles at you and for authenticity the two of you walk around the convention together and get to know each other. You exchange numbers and go back to your hotel, hoping to see him again tomorrow.

:/:/:/:/Author's Note/:/:/:/:
    So this is my first Hetalia boyfriend scenario thing. I hope you enjoyed it and it wasn't too boring. Sorry Japan's was so short.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2016 ⏰

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