Part Eight

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"Okay, does everyone have everything?" Danny called.

He stood in the open doorway of the cabin, his gloved hands and layered upper body undergoing the strenuous task of restraining an excitable Jack, who pulled against his lead, completely unwilling to wait for Jessica and the girls a moment longer.

"Yes!" Adah exclaimed as she brushed past him and out into the chilly air. "We've told you a million times, we have everything! God, it's like we're still at school!"

"Hey!" Jessica scolded, following her through the door with Ilse at her heels. "Less of that, or you can stay home."

Adah rolled her eyes and stomped down the cabin steps, ignoring Jack's whines for freedom.

Jessica shook her head as she ushered Ilse past her so she could close and lock the front door. She tucked the keys into her coat pocket and shot Danny an apologetic smile.

"It'll be hormones," he said, giving Jessica's lower back a comforting rub. "At least I know she's fully at ease with me now, and she's feeling better. But it's safe to say my honeymoon phase with Adah is well and truly over."

Jessica laughed and took Danny's hand as he passed the lead of the wide eyed Poodle to Ilse and she bounded down the steps with him.

"Be careful you don't slip!" Danny exclaimed, referring to the coating of rain water which made the wood beneath them slick to move over at any kind of pace.

"I love how you love them," Jessica sighed, squeezing his hand as they watched the girls take flight, racing to keep up with Jack, who had been freed almost instantly. "It makes me love you even more than I thought possible."

"Told you babe, I'm your guy, I'm in it for the long haul."

Jessica's heart swelled as she led them across the decking towards the steps. She extended her arm to support herself on the railing as they navigated the slippery surface.

"Where did you have your fall?" Danny asked.

" actually. This gave way and I fell straight down the drop and into the pump."

"Oh..." he said, leaning to give the wooden barrier a firm shake.

"Danny, it was years ago, and the first thing I did after I got out of the hospital was arrange to have that rail fixed, don't worry."

She rolled her eyes at his protective concern as he pulled his hand from hers and placed it round her waist as they descended.

They soon caught up with the girls and watched as they frolicked with Jack, gambolling through the soggy undergrowth, shrieking and laughing without stumbling even once.

"Adah's definitely back to normal," Danny commented.

Jessica nodded, watching her eldest granddaughter stop mid leap and turn to yank her sister along with her, impatient with her slower pace.

"I'm glad she's feeling better," Jessica sighed. "We have Jane's party tomorrow night, don't forget." 

"I've already planned my outfit," Danny said smugly. "And you won't be able to resist me in it."

"Oh yeah?"


"Lucky me," Jessica hummed, pulling him to a stop as she pecked at his moistened lips.


The pair snapped apart, just as quickly as they had wound themselves together, to meet the exasperated reproach of Ilse, as she stood waiting for them with Adah.

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