Part Three

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Danny knew he was in no position to argue, he had his intentions set and clear in his mind, but the natural urges of his body were an entirely different matter. His heart raced and his fists clenched as he slowly withdrew from Jessica. She released a slight gasp and whispered an "oh" as she felt his departure and her body was fully relieved of his weight. Danny knelt high on his knees, still straddling her, but permitting her more than enough room to sit up and move around as she pleased.

Jessica joined him and knelt so their bodies met in a mutual stance. She smiled adoringly at his curious expression and kissed him deeply, coiling her arms around his neck and pulling their bodies flush together once more. Danny tentatively placed his hands on her hips, in the hope of preventing her from moving her lower body against his, knowing that he wouldn't be able to handle the stimulation. His penis pointed upwards, sandwiched between their stomachs, burning with the anticipation.

"Wait here for one second," Jessica broke the kiss and pushed him down so his buttocks met his heels.

She stood and made her way through the door of the en suite bathroom and started running the tap. Danny crushed his hands between his knees and the bed, knowing that otherwise he would not be able to resist the urge to alleviate some of the pressure that tormented him in her absence. But, before he knew it, Jessica had returned carrying a wet washcloth. She stood to his side and repositioned him so he was lying flat on his back with his knees bent over the edge of the bed. Jessica spread his legs and situated herself on her knees at his feet and began to tenderly wipe the lubricant off his shaft and testicles.

"Oh my god. Jess..." Danny hissed.

"I know baby," she soothed, kissing his stomach. "It's just this stuff doesn't taste too good."

She held up the washcloth to indicate the completion of her task, placed it to one side and stroked both hands up and down the insides of his thighs, lulling him to relax. Jessica then proceeded to lean forward and blew her warm breath across his tip, repaying him for his previous actions, and making his fists clench even tighter.

"Let's see how you like it," she taunted, slowly circling her tongue around the head of his penis, before running it up and down the slit.

Danny inhaled deeply before releasing his breath, cloaked in a powerful groan that filled the room. Jessica's head shot up at his response.

"You know, these walls aren't soundproofed," she said, reaching for her discarded top and pressing it into his outstretched hand.

Danny balled the material and covered the lower half of his face with it, sinking his teeth into the smooth fabric.

Jessica once again lowered her head, but this time traced the throbbing vein which protruded and beat powerfully along his shaft. She ran her tongue down the length of him before moving it along the junction between his shaft and balls. Danny muffled a growl and jerked his body, kicking his legs and boosting himself further up the mattress.

"No, no," Jessica said, releasing him from her mouth and guiding him back down towards her.

She proceeded to lick his testicles, running her tongue in a figure of eight motion between the pair before allowing them each to take a turn in her mouth. She swirled her tongue and hummed deeply, sending shockwaves of pleasure swelling through his body.

"Oh god, oh fuck," Danny panted, working hard to contain himself.

Jessica released him from her mouth with a wet popping sound. She dried her chin on her arm and kissed his thighs one more time, watching as his member took on a life of its own: jumping, straining, desperate for relief. The tip swam with moisture, filling with blood, at the very peak of arousal.

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