Train ride

218 11 14

Sam's POV

I looked at the train and then back at my parents, then back at the train then back at my parents. It was unbelievable. I was finally going to attend Ilvermorny. The best wizarding school in North America. I was excited, of course, but also a bit nervous, I had never been away from home before.
"I love you Sam." My mom said hugging me one last time, "Now remember, everyone is there to learn. So don't form rivalries over the quodpot matches." She smiles at me as ruffles my sandy blond hair.
"Yes mom." I say giving her a big smile.
"And also remember," my dad began, "get into thunderbird or don't come home."
"Oh shut up Steve." My mom slaps him, "your house doesn't matter, just remember that horned serpent is the best." She smiles competitively at my dad.
"Stop it guys I have to go." I laugh, sometimes my parents were more childish than me.
"Right sweety bye." My mother smiles and waves as I run to the train.
I walk through the train with a smile on my face. I look into the different booths and sit in an empty one feeling a bit shy. As I sit in the silence of my booth I am left to my thoughts, what house will I be in? What will my wand be like? Will people like me? I then jump realizing that I am strangling my cat, "whoops sorry snow" I say to my fluffy white cat. Suddenly the door swung open.
"Sorry everywhere else is full." I look up to see a girl that seems to be about thirteen, with long brown hair and brown eyes, wearing a flat cap backwards and a leather jacket over her black tee shirt.
"Oh it's fine." I say a bit shyly. Suddenly a boy entered the booth.
"Lace I swear to god. Stop running off." This boy seemed about my age, he had the whitest hair I have ever seen and red irises, he was wearing sweat pants and a white tee shirt that was too big for him and it hung off one of his shoulders. I was beginning to feel out of place because I was already wearing my blue and cranberry robes.
"Relax Locke. See, I found us a booth" she rolls her eyes before they land on my cat, "OMG! Isn't that the cutest thing ever?" She gushes over it, "what's her name" she looks super happy.
"Umm her name is Snow." I say a bit startled by her sudden change in character.
"Oh boy" the other boy, um Locke I think it was, rolls his eyes, "here we go"
"That is awesome I have cat too." She opens a cage and a poofy black cat walks out, "this is Don Fluffles the Thrid Esquire." She says in an excited voice.
"A mouthful I know." Locke sits down next to me, "she is really childish." He laughs, "Then again so am I!" He laughs as he puts his arm over my shoulder.
"Hehe yeah." I laugh feeling a bit uncomfortable, "I'm Sam by the way, Sam Thomas." I put out my hand to shake theirs.
Lace blows her bubble gum and pops it, "I'm Lace Tenebris and this is my brother Locke." She says with a smile.
I, starting to feel a bit more comfortable, smile, "Oh cool. This is my first year at Ilvermorny. What about you?"
"I am going into my third year and snow white here is a first year too." Lace says cheerfully. I can't help but chuckle at what she called Locke.
"Cool!" I say turning to Locke who's arm was still over my shoulder, "What house do you want to be in?" I look at him with my pale blue eyes.
"Meh I don't really care." He shrugs.
Lace groans, "there goes Locke and his nihilistic view on life."
"Hey at least I'm not all sunshine and rainbows on the inside but dark and gloomy on the outside." Locke shoots back.
"Oh yeah? Well you..." Lace and Locke continue to argue as I lay down and start to sleep for the rest of the train ride..

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