first day of class

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Hi lovely readers. So sorry it took so long to update I will try to be more focused on this story now and make sure that I update more often. My goal is a new chapter every week but I'm not sure because of school.

I woke up to seeing Locke standing over me, "Did you know that you snore?" He says with a smile, "but they're like really cute snores. Small and faint." He laughs at the uncomfortable look on my face.

"Shut up." I groan throwing a pillow at his face. I sit up to see two more boys, a short one with red hair and a taller one with raven black hair, in the room getting dressed for the day, "hello I'm Sam Grant what are your names." I say taking my attention off Locke, much to his disappointment.

"I'm Tyler Peterson" The redhead said.

"I'm Alex Peterson, we're brothers." The raven haired one said.

Locke laughs, "but you two look nothing alike."

"We're adopted." They say in unison, "both our adoptive parents are magic."

"That's cool." I say, "I'm gonna go take a shower before breakfast care to join me Locke?" I ask.

"Sure I haven't taken one in a few days." He shrugs.

I reel back in disgust, "I am going to fix that habit of yours then, because that's disgusting."

Locke laughs, "Whatever you say master." He bows before I drag him out the door.


After the shower Locke and I sit down at the Wampus table, "So what's on the menu today." Locke says greedily.

"Well judging from what is on the table I would presume we are eating pancakes, fruit, sausages, and eggs." I say say pointing out the obvious. Though in all honesty just thinking about the food made my mouth water.

"Well then let's eat." Locke joins the masses as he fills his plate with food. I start to put food on my plate; I decide to eat an omelet, two pieces of bacon, and an apple.

When I look at Locke's plate my jaw drops, "how can you eat all of that?" I ask astonished.

Locke looks at me withhold mouth full of sausages and egg, "What?" He asks as if what he was doing was normal.

"Dude. That is way too much food for one eleven year old to eat." I say taking a bite of my green apple I savor how tart it is.

"Not for me I eat a lot." He smiles as he swallowed another mouthful of food.

I roll my eyes, "Whatever, so what class are you looking forward to the most?" I ask as I fork some omelet into my mouth.

"Oh combat magic hands down." He says enthusiastically, "I love the thought of combat spells. Using magic to counter curses, jinxes, and hexes. It's just amazing that there is an entire class dedicated that sort of stuff." He sounds extremely joyful, "What about you? What class are you looking forward to?"

"Hmmm" I think for a second, "I would have to say either charms or transfiguration." I say simply as I eat some of the crispy bacon. We continue to chat through breakfast about a variety of different things; from our dream jobs when we graduate to the bit of hand magic we taught ourselves secretly before school started.


When breakfast was over we walked through the halls trying to find the way to our history of magic class. We eventually found it after asking several of the working Pukwudgies in the halls.

A woman with short cut black hair and brown eyes walked into the room wearing fine robes, "Hello first years, I am professor Amanda Rose but you will call me professor Rose. I am your history of magic teacher." She pushes her glasses up, "I hold discipline as a very high priority in this classroom and I will not tolerate slacking off."

She glares at Locke, she probably knows him because of his sister. Oh great, I think, she is going to give him hell for the rest of his time here. Locke just looks back at her smiled. How could he be so happy in class?

I sighed and tried to stay awake for the rest of class.


"I never thought you would have that side to you." I say to Locke as we leave the class, "It's as if you were a completely different person."

Locke just looks at me and smiles, "How can you not be happy in class? I mean these classes define our future, not to mention that they are a lot of fun." He continues to grin like an idiot.

My jaw dropped, "Fun? How is any of this fun?" I ask greatly confused.

He continues to look at me with that goofy grin on his face, "Well I went to a No-Maj school before I came here, so compared to the topics they teach there this is ten times better. I mean would you rather learn a spell that makes things fly or would you rather learn about the quadratic formula? Would you rather learn about how to read a map and memorize the names and locations of every state in the U.S or learn about the history of outlaw wizards that went mad with power." He asked

Now that I think about it he has a point in comparison our lessons are great and fun, but then again in comparison my life is the best compared to people in third world countries and without living like that it's impossible to appreciate what you have. I look at Locke and groan, "Yeah I see where you are coming from, but for me it's really boring." I sigh.

That didn't ruin Locke's mood though, "oh well. I still need the good grades because I want to be an auror when I grow up." He still looks at me with that smile.

I roll my eyes, Locke is even more ridiculous than I thought, "Whatever," I look around, "here is our class." We walk into the combat magic classroom and sit down near the back of the class.

Just then professor Smith walked into the room wearing ripped jeans and a denim jacket, "Hello class." Professor Smith smiles at everyone, "I am Blake Smith but you can call me professor Smith, I am your combat magic teacher and I hope you will love this class and this subject as much as I do." He looks at everyone with a weird glint in his eye, "so everyone please open your books to page ten as we begin to study how to disarm an opponent, this spell is simply used to remove the wand from your opponent's hand and with practice bring the his or her wand to your own hand, the incantation for this spell is Expelliarmus." He pulled out his wand, It was long and black the carvings on the wand appeared to move and shift around the wand, "Would anyone like to be a demonstration?" he looks around the rows of students. "How about you* He points his wand at the shy blond boy I saw the first day.

"Y-Yes sir." he stutters as he walks to the front of the class.

"What is your name?" The professor asks.

"R-Ryan Hawk. S-Sir." Ryan stutters. I couldn't help but stifle a laugh, this boy was pathetic.

"Hold up your wand Ryan." Professor Smith says with a big smile on his face. Shakily Ryan lifts up his wand, "Expelliarmus!" Professor Smith shouts boldly, in an instant the wand flew out of Ryan's hand and into his hand. The class applauded politely at the show, "Now class I would like you all to read how to do this spell in your books." He nods at the class. We read up on it for the rest of class.


By the end of the day my head was spinning in circles as I tried to process all I learned, "God is school always going to be so confusing?" I mumbled as I ate meat loaf off my plate.

Locke nudged me on the shoulder, "It will get easier when you get into the groove of things." He says with his mouth full of pudding.

"I hope." I yawn, "I don't know about you but I'm going to bed." I rub my eyes sleepily.

"Okay I will come with you." Locke smiles and stands up offering me a hand. "Come on let's go." He helps me up and we head to our dorm, after brushing our teeth I leap into bed and fall asleep immediately, not even noticing the shadow in my window watching me sleep. 

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