explanations and special privileges

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Warning for this chapter onward. I was originally going to keep the majority of the main children from swearing because 11 sounds too young to be using that kind of language, but then I remembered 11 is 6th grade, middle school. Have you ever met a sixth grader? Yeah, so profanity will be used every now and then.

"You see Sam, there are many magical and cursed items in this world." Headmaster Fontaine folded his hands in front of him, "And none of them are to be trifled with."

"I figured as much," I mumble looking down at my feet. I could tell by the woman with the torn paper that this was bad.

"Anyway the wallpaper you saw has only ever been mentioned once in a short story by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. Most believe it to be a work of fiction but a select few wizards know the truth." He spoke calmly. Standing up Mr. Fontaine walked around the room pulling out a very thin book, "The yellow wallpaper has been thought to do many things. Drive a person mad, trap an entire soul behind it, give someone complete control over anyone who stares at it long enough. We do not know which of these theories are true but I am determined to find out I suggest you read this since you are somehow connected to this." I nodded and took the book with shaking hands.

"Do you know anything else, sir?" I asked wanting to know more.

"The less involved you are the better." He sighed, "But I do believe that it never hurts to be prepared since Ichabod is clearly after you I suggest that we give you an advancement. Usually, we wait until the second semester to do this to the first years but I suppose you need it now." He waves his wand and a green piece of paper on his desk folds up and flies out the door, "now allow me to explain. Being not very experienced, the first years are not allowed access to certain parts of their own house. We wait until the second semester to give them access to these features." Mr. Fontaine explained.

Professor Smith suddenly burst through the door, "Yes sir I came here as fast as I could what seems to be the problem?" Concern was written all over his face.

"Calm down Blake," He sighed, "Sam here has had a run in with Ichabod and I believe it best that he takes the second-semester promotion." He took another long sip from his flask.

The professor's face changed from concern to horror, "Ichabod!" He exclaimed, "Where is he!?" his wand was already out.

"We don't know Blake." Mr. Fontaine sighed, "Now could you please give Sam the advanced access to the Wampus house."

Mr. Smith nodded, "Of course sir." He pointed his wand directly at me and mumbled a few words, "Now come with me and I will show you the rest of your common room." He pocketed his wand, turned on his heels and walked out the door.

I followed behind nervously, "S-so this imp, Ichabod." I began.

"I do not believe that it is best to not think about him and just train for the worst case scenario and pray that it never comes." Mr. Smith sighed and approached the door with a wampus carved into it, "Go on open the door." He says casually.

"Oh okay." I walk up to the door, "Gi-" I was cut off by a large wraith or apparition that walked out of the door, it was a large white and ghostly figure covered head to toe in armor and equipped with a large broadsword, "What is this?" I ask but I already jumped away as the knight attacked me, "WHAT DO I DO!" I yell panicking.

"You are a Wampus. Fight it." Mr. Smith said calmly.

"But I don't know many combat spells I only had one class with you." I am still jumping around dodging the large weapon as it destroys banisters and floorboards.

"And what do you expect to do when you have lost your wand in a fight? Run around dodging?" He questions looking a bit aggravated.

Getting the idea I pick up a large rock from the rubble the knight has made and throw it at its head. Stumbling backward, the knight tries to regain its balance when I ripped the ghostly sword from its hands, when I took the sword it seemed to have shrunk to fit my size, and I plunged the blade into the knight's chest. Immediately the knight and the sword dissipated and the door opened, "That was very very hard." I gasp, panting for breath.

Mr. Smith scoffs, "That was the easiest setting. This is what all first years have to fight to get in. Now let's go." He walks briskly inside.

When I enter the common room it looks pretty much the same. Except for a small wooden door in the corner of the room. I already see Mr. Smith walking towards the door so I follow him.

When the door was pushed open I just gaped at the large room.

There was a trophy case on both walls that covered the entire wall with weird looking artifacts in them, ten strips of elevated stone "This is the Wampus training and artifact room." Mr. Smith stated calmly, "Here is where we get our names as warriors." He gestured to the elevated stone, "These are where you will duel with other members of your house. Whether that be with magic or weapons." He then gestured to the artifacts, "These are enchanted weapons. These range from knives that make cuts that never heal to guns with bullets that explode."

After seeing this there was only one thing I could think to say. That one thing being none other than the single word, "Cool." 


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2017 ⏰

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