Part 7 - Truth and lies

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After Stevie had fainted, she refused to see him, wanting as much time away as possible; it hurt Lindsey immensely and it didn't help that the authorities were constantly on his back. He explained the situation hundreds of times, speaking to his lawyer and trying to prove that he did nothing wrong, though this time the police were rather up to par with this case. There was no sitting around and eating donuts now but why were they during the time Stevie needed them? This is what helped Lindsey with his own case, talking of how her well being was not being thought of and he would not allow the woman that he loved to be dragged through the dirt. Stevie had deserved answers, deserved justice, and so he went to find it himself and what was on Lindsey's side were the women that never received justice themselves; they were the other victims of brutal rapes that went unsolved. It made the police look bad, though that was not what Lindsey wanted, he just wanted cases like Stevie's to be taken more seriously. All of this was taken in to consideration and though Lindsey did not name the woman that he was fighting for on the news, Stevie knew who he was speaking of, coming out willingly to help him in a very selfless way...

He was slumped over in his chair when Stevie entered the court room, people gasping at who she was after the judge had called out her real name. Lindsey sat up straight, eyes filled with tears as he watched Stevie whisk passed him, taking the chair and shaking with fear; this was a big step for her to take with the condition she was still in. "Ms. Nicks, are you ready?" asked the judge, her nodding as she had to raise her right hand and speak her truths.

"My name is Stephanie Lynn Nicks, some know me as Stevie..." looking towards Lindsey as tears streamed down his face, she bit back her own tears. "One night about two months back, I was attacked by three men in West Hollywood while taking my dog for a walk... they tore my purse from my arm, threatened the life of my dog, and left me fighting for my own life as they dragged me in to a deserted parking lot to r-ra-rape me..." now crying with out embarrassment, letting it all out. "I swore that it was the end, that I would never see the light of day - that this was how I was supposed to go but I luckily made it through and at first I wished I hadn't..." pausing to collect herself. "This man over there," pointing to Lindsey, "...became my angel, not that he hasn't been before, but it was different this time - he sat by my side every day and night until I left the hospital; he held my hand while the police questioned me and temporarily moved in to my home to watch over me. I've suffered an over abundance of irrational fears, experienced numbers of nightmares, and had to seek out counseling to help me better yet understand what my body was going through. My hands," holding them up for people to see, "...won't stop shaking, they never do, and though I'm slowly regaining my independence back - I don't think I'll ever be the same again. Mr. Buckingham, Lindsey," trying to smile, "...has done nothing but love me and take on a huge role of care giving - not one bad bone in his body and all he had ever wanted to do was protect me, save me, help find the men that took so much away from me," sobbing while Lindsey couldn't control his own emotions. "He's not a bad man, not a criminal or murderer - just a lover and I am so proud to call him my friend."

The whole room was moved to tears and Lindsey was freed of all charges; the fact that he called the authorities in time before taking the situation further in to his hands - that is what helped his plea, especially the hundreds of women that came out to support him. He was thrilled, thankful, and relieved that he could go back to his normal life.

One week later

Reaching for Stevie's MK purse that he'd kept hidden in his car, he felt that since everything was finally over; him being let off on all charges and the two men being put in prison, Lindsey felt it was time to return it to her.

Stevie opened the front door slowly, not loving all of the press she was getting lately, only having her name released to help Lindsey. She looked exhausted, as if she hadn't slept in days, shielding her eyes from the sun.

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