
261 11 0

Tuesday, 17th November.


Knocks on the Door echo throughout the department  of a person in the name of Nozomi, waking up the figure lying on the floor.
"Nozomi? Are you up? C'mon we're going to miss the others"
Groans come from the feminine figure lying down on the cold, wooden, glossed floor as she starts to wipe the weep from her eyes and questions why she was on the floor 'what happened..?'
Trying to remember she starts to think hard before a certain image pops into her mind, blood. The memories suddenly hit Nozomi in an instant click.
The memories of that night are flooding into Nozomis head making a very fast movement of her hands from her face up to covering her ears from the flash backs that were containing all the noise and sights from that one and single night, making the certain and only person in the department shake in terror, the images appeared like a presentation in the mind; showing each minor detail one after another:
A spot of blood,
A trickle of blood.
A knife,
A bloody knife.
Heavy sobbing.
Heavy breathing.
The only colour showing are of black and red.
A cut,
Another cut,
Even more cuts.
Blood pours out.
More blood.
A river of blood,
A sea of blood,
A ocean of blood,
Splattered all over the wooden surface.
'stop it! Please!' The voice came out the females dry mouth just like a silent whimper, instead the commands in her head were obeyed and a sudden swift screeching, distant voice whispers to Nozomi giving the impression of evilness to the purple haired, she slowly slid into the back corner of the room as if she was hiding from herself, from all of existence. Go away. Please go away! Please..! PLEASE!
..A evil snigger echoed back at her,
'Nozomi~, Hey Nozomi~! C'mon~, You want to join us already right? Don't deny it~'
Piercing laughs screech down her ears, making Nozomi pull on her long, purple locks.
'Stop! Please!
Go away..! I-I..'
Eli was cautious of what was happening inside, her closest friend would answer by now
No answer.
"N-Nozomi?! Hey, Nozomi! Nozomi!"
The female on the other side of  the door bashes onto there hoping to get in until a weak reply comes from inside hearing as if they've just been tortured in a click of the figures,

'Break, Nozomi~~'

"..Nozomi? Are you-"
Eli started worrying and as she was talking she got cut off by a sudden painful, horrifying scream coming from inside the apartment; Eli's eyes widened in terror. No!
the emptiness from inside the apartment echoed the sound making it hear worse than the blonde could ever imagine happening to her one and only closest friend,
"Nozomi?! Nozomi! Open up! It's me, Eli! Are you okay?! I'm coming in!"
The blonde bashed onto the outside door once again..
Once over again..

"N-Nozomi..! It's all going to be alright.."

Don't say this is happening again..'

"I'm here this time!"


This can't be happening,

Not to Nozomi..

Not again..!

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