Chapter 1

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For anyone who writes books on here how do you get the thing to actually update because I've been trying to redo the first chapter and practically redo the whole book but I can only get a few sentences then it deletes everything I've spent more than 2 hours anyone know how to fix it


Hello, my name is Alex, I am a wherecat. Also live in the midnight pack. I hate it here. Today I am making breakfast for our pack of 250. I'm making eggs and bacon. By the time I'm done people are filing into the kitchen and getting their food. One of the last people to show up is Britney. I hand her a plate not even looking at her. I regret it quickly. Because suddenly I am covered in bacon grease and eggs. I gasp, "oh I'm so sorry I tripped and spilt it was an accident" she said not sounding sorry at all. I glare at her but don't do anything. Knowing if I do I'll only get humiliated. I brush past her to go get ready for school.

As I was just finishing up my makeup there was a pounding at my door. "HURRY UP, were gonna miss the bus" Rachel shouted. I smile opening the door to face my bubbly friend. Her brown eyes are wide and her strait blond hair is bouncing as she does. I giggle grabbing my bag "lets go before makenna runs off" I say. Rachel nods and we make our way down to the front door."hurry up slow pokes" makenna shouts from outside. I shake my head at her Childness. Her brown hair is cut into a pixie cut and she has bright brown eyes. I laugh as we greet her, "were coming." Makenna smiles and with that we are off to the bus.

When we get to school we go our separate ways and head to our lockers. I put in my combonation and grab my books. As I'm shutting my locker I hear Britney's high pitched laugh. I quickly turn trying to slip away so that they won't notice me. "Hey, where are you going." I turn to her " where all friends here no need to rush" says Britney. Her drones laugh behind her. Their skirts look higher than normal, I glare at them. Suddenly Britney wacks all my books out of my hands. She turns around laughing with her drones. I glare at their backs while I pick up my stuff and head to my first period, geometry.

I was sitting in my last class Spanish. "Psst, what time does this class get over" makenna Asks. "Five minutes" when the bell finally rings I head to my locker grab my stuff and meet makenna and Rachel at the bus.

When we get back to the pack house I head to my room. Then I was randomly grabbed and pulled into a room. I looked up to see the alpha,Xander. he looked flat out pissed. "I can't believe my mate is a freaked werecat, this doesn't happen" he said angrily to me. I studdered "m-mate". He grabbed me by the arm "if you tell anyone you are dead" then he dropped me flat on my face.

I was sitting there in shock. "No this isn't right he is supost love us" my cat whispered. "He doesn't" I snapped. "He's always treated us like crap. Even before he knew we where a cat." "but this changes things" she snapped. "No I'd doesn't it makes it worse" I growled. With that she shut me out. That's when I decided we were running away tonight. Xander,alpha was going to throw a party. while they were partying we were gonna sneak out. I ran to get makenna. when I got their herd it before I saw it, my best friend getting beat. The muts noticed me and dropped her and started laughing, " look the kitty cats mad" one laughed. "BULL SHIT" I yelled they snapped there heads in my direction I was yelling, I was mad, and I was gonna beat the shit out of them. I mean like really quit beating us! I yelled "YOU" punch "WILL" punch "NOT punch "TOUCH" punch "Me" punch "OR" punch "MY FRIENDS" snap. by the time I was done he had a broken nose, arm, and a beat up face. I got of the guy and turned around to see Makenna siting there holding her nose with a big smirk on her face. I smiled back. I turned around just in time to duck out of they way as the blond guy reached out and grab me with his good arm. I turned back to him as tried again and kicked him in the balls. I watched as he knelt holding his groin. After that I grabbed Makenna and was gonna run out of the room.

But the alpha just had to walk in. "Oh shit" I mumbled. He walked up to me and slapped me in the face. My cat growled at me to punch him in the face. I listened to my cat for once. I brought my fist back and punched him in the nose (hard) makenna gasped. Then I started laughing at "my alpha" he was laying on the ground clutching his nose. I was guessing I broke it haha. I was laughing so hard my stomach hurt. Makenna was laughing too. Then I turned to alpha and flipped him the bird smiling. Then I grabbed makenna and walked out of the room without a second glance.

I told Makenna about my plan when we got back to the safety of my room, Then we went on a search for Rachel . She was in the kitchen. We grabbed her and dragged her to our room and told her the plan.

2 hours later we were waiting by the window. I turned to makenna and rachel "are you ready?" I asked. They nodded in unison, then we jumped. We didn't want to shift into our cats yet and risk still being on clan territory. Once we got to the border we ran across it and shifted. I quickly turned around to my friends meowing. I mind linked them "what is it". Rachel answered "y-your coat" I looked at my paws I was no longer a cheeta. I was a cross between a cheeta and tiger. I also realized I was 3x bigger than both of my friends. "What am I" I mind linked them. My friends only shrugged, "we have to keep going" Rachel said quietly. So we shifted again and started running like hell was chasing us. Knowing if we where caught we would be killed.

We have been running for days now. So far we have been good. Their has been no signs of the pack. But i am starting to get worried. Makenna and Rachel are dehydrated and starved. they are both in bad condition. And I'm not looking any better.

Today's gonna be a good day though. Because whith what little cash we have we are stopping a a hotel to get food, rest, and water.

It takes us a few hours to reach the hotel but once we do the first thing all of us do is take a shower. It's amazing what a week with nothing can do to a person. After everyone is cleaned up and has fresh clothes on from the small packs we made we head down to the buffet. As we are getting our food makenna turns to me "do you think they are looking for us?" I give her a flat look "no." She sighed and contined to gather her food.

After we had finished eating we headed back to our room to get a good sleep. But before I could get into my covers I double over in pain. "What's happening" I yelp as I claw at my chest and stomach. I had been haveing small pains in my chest lately but never this bad. "What is happening to me" I yell. Both makenna and Rachel rush to my side. Pushing me onto the bed, pinning me so I would stop clawing myself.

It took forty-five minutes for the pain to subside. And by the time it was done I was exhausted and so where my friends from me wrestling with them. "Let's just go to bed" I say. They nod in agreement and we all crawl into the covers. Almost instantly I fall into a dreamless sleep.

I wake up and the alarm clock beside me reads 5:30 "time to go girls". They get up groggily. I change into some sweatpants and a sports tee. When I walk out of the bathroom they are both fully dressed. "We are going to eat and leave" I say walking out the door with all my stuff packed and ready to go.

We head to the breakfast buffet. I grab some pancakes and an apple. Makenna is the first to ask what happened, last night. "Nothing" I reply. "Alex you need to tell us. I know you are lieng because your voice got higher" "it's nothing" I snap. After I finished I returned the key to our room. And we are on our way again.

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