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Josh Dun was pronounced dead at the hotel when the police arrived, his cystic fibrosis having killed him so much earlier than how long he should've lived.

As they rolled his body away from the hotel room, sheet over him and all, Tyler sobbed onto the bed. The bed that Josh Dun had sat on, alive, just a few hours earlier. Tyler clutched tightly to Josh's jacket.

He almost screamed when he saw a napkin laying on the hotel's carpet, next to where he had grabbed the jacket, a familiar ink pattern drawn out upon it.

His picture of Josh. Josh had probably never even known the drawing was in there, as it probably fell out of the very pocket Tyler had put it in.

Tyler sobbed even harder.

This was all his fault.

After a tiring funeral, which just consisted of Tyler and Josh's close friends, Tyler was invited over to Brendon's house. He'd already met Brendon once previously, and he was surprised that he'd been offered to live with Brendon until he got back on his feet.

He gratefully accepted.

He also accepted the huge amount money he'd inherited through Josh's will, although that response was a little more hesitant. And tear-inducing.

That was what Josh had meant when he said that Tyler would get something out of it....He had been serious.

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