The Blind Banker

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     The man sitting at his desk across from Leanna looked over her resume again. He made a skeptical clicking noise with his tongue as he swiveled back and forth in his chair, taking his time as he read and occasionally lifting his gaze to examine her over the top. Leanna rolled her shoulders and folded her hands as she tried not to look too nervous. She unfolded her hands again.

     "Well, Miss Moore, you have a good resume, and you seem qualified enough. So, why do you think the Shad Sanderson bank should hire you?" The man asked as he sat forward in his seat, his eyes burning through her. In his expensive suit and posh haircut, the middle aged, medium build man himself didn't intimidate Leanna; it was the way he sneered and looked down his nose that psyched her out.

     "Um," She stammered, suddenly forgetting all she had mentally rehearsed on the tube over, "I'm very organized- and I mean very. I'm efficient and thorough, and I think secretarial work would be a perfect fit for me."

     The man nodded slowly, pursing his lips as he scratched notes onto her resume with his pen. Without warning, he stood quickly and Leanna scrambled to her feet, trying to stay on top. He extended his hand over his desk and she took it, shaking it professionally.

     "I think this interview went well." He exclaimed, and Leanna breathed a sigh of relief, "Of course, I cannot make any executive decisions myself, so we will get back to you." He walked her to the door of his office, holding it open for her. He continued to speak as they walked.

     "You do seem highly capable and motivated. I agree you would make an excellent secretary." Just then, a tall man came around the corner in front of her, nearly knocking her over. Tall, with dark hair, icy blue eyes and his signature jacket.



     "Leanna?" She heard her name and looked over to see John. Of course, where one was the other wasn't far behind.

     "John? What are you two doing here?"

     "I'm on a case." Sherlock answered her, "What are you doing here?"

     "Job interview. For a secretary."

     "Miss Moore conducted a very good interview."   The man who held her resume stated. Sherlock chuckled a little to himself.

     "What is it?" Her interviewer asked him, his smile quickly dropping and his brow pinching in the middle.

     "Oh, itnothing. I'm just surprised she did so well."

     "Sherlock-" She tried to stop him, but he blundered on.

     "She suffers from chronic shyness and social awkwardness. She has yet to develop the proper coping mechanisms for being around people."

     "Oh, really?" The man said, casting Leanna a side-ward glance as he made a final note, "Thank you for your time, Miss Moore. Good luck in your... future endeavours." He said, smiling tightly. She watched as he walked away and deflated; he had basically just told her there was no way he'd ever hire her.

     "Sherlock!" She said once he was out of earshot, "Why did you have to go and say that?" She was trying very hard to remain calm.

     "What are you so upset about? It was true." Leanna was baffled that he could be so oblivious- even John was giving him a look of disappointment. But of course, Sherlock would be the last to notice. He almost sounded a little annoyed by her reaction.

     "Just because something is true, doesn't mean it has to be said. And that just blew my whole interview!"

     "Oh, I did you a favour. Secretary- boring job."

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