The Blind Banker

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     Scotland Yard was a bust.

     Leanna was really beginning to miss Lestrade; this Dimmock character was digging his heels in every step of the way.  Granted, Leanna could understand his reluctance, but he needn't be such an ass about it.

     So, the four of them had crammed into another taxi that was way to tight and way too hot.  This had only made the throbbing in Leanna's head worse.  And she had gotten very sleepy, but she couldn't have relaxed without leaning on either Sherlock or Sarah.  John she might not have minded, but she doubted that his date would appreciate it.

     Now, they all trudged back up into 221b, into the mess of boxes and books, and Sherlock's things.  Leanna was just grateful to plop down on the sofa.

     "They'll be back in China by tomorrow," John said in a defeated sigh.

     Sherlock countered him.

     "No, they won't leave without what they came for."  He threw his coat and scarf onto a pile of books, maneuvering over to the mantle where all his information was tacked up.  "We need to find a hideout.  A rendezvous." 

     "Are you alright?" asked Sarah, moving toward Leanna.  For a moment, she'd forgotten that John's new friend was also a doctor.

     "Yeah.  Just... you know.  John?  Do you have any more of those pills?"

     She saw him check his watch.

     "I can't give you another one for about another hour and a half.  Sorry."

     "Bugger.  Alright, I'm gonna go steal some of Mrs. Hudson's Tylenol."

     "Just stay away from those 'herbal soothers.'"

     Leanna slouched down the stairs.  The low chatter faded behind her, until she finally found herself in blissful silence.  That was, until the high voice of her aunt pierced the room.  Leanna winced.

     "Did you have a good night out?"

     Leanna forced a smile as she rounded into the kitchen.  She leaned in the doorway.

     "It had its moments, though the bar has been set pretty low since I got here."

     "Seems like Sherlock's warming up to you."


     "Didn't you two have dinner?" she asked, painfully suggestive.

     "No... well, yes, we ate, but it's not like that."

     "Oh, of course it's not, dear."

     Judging by her voice, her aunt didn't buy it.  Clearly, Martha Hudson was going to drag this one on.  Leanna just shook her head.  Her eyes squinted against the bright kitchen lights as she walked up to the medicine cabinet.

     "Head still bothering you, dear?"

     "Just a bit."

     "Perhaps you should lie down.  Or, are you hungry?  I could make you something.  Though if it was a Monday I'd have been to the supermarket..."

     "Not really hungry.  Though, do you have anything to munch?"  Leanna opened the next cupboard over.  She made a mental note to go to the supermarket, herself, when she took note of the slim pickings.  She figured plain crisps and salted nuts wouldn't offend anyone.

     She had hoped Mrs. Hudson's 'medicinal' sherry would be sufficiently full, but was disappointed.  There was cranberry juice, club soda, and some of her special brandy; punch it is.  

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