The Blind Banker

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     The first thing she was aware of was the book whose pages were sticking to her face as she lifted her head.  The second was Sherlock.

     "Where's John?"  She rubbed her eyes, coming awake on Sherlock's sofa.

     "Something about work."

     "God, it's light... has it been two hours already?"

     "It would seem so," Sherlock answered.  He took her face in his hands with light fingers, looking into her eyes.

     "Leanna, where are you, now?"

     She sighed, "Sherlock, this really isn't necessary..."

     "Answer the question."

     "221B Baker Street, London, Europe, the planet Earth —"

     "You're fine," Sherlock affirmed, annoyed.  He stood and walked back over to the heaps of books.

     "Any luck?" she called after him.  She only realized now that she'd been covered with a blanket.  She was sure she hadn't fallen asleep like that.

     "No," he mused.  "It would have to be a book everyone owned.  Bible?  Dictionary?"  He pulled both off his own bookshelf.

     "No," Leanna said, "both have too many versions, editions..."

     Sherlock tossed the books down in front of him.  He tousled his dark hair in frustration.  Leanna imagined, fleetingly, the wonder it might be to touch that hair.  Without another thought to it, she stood slowly to refill the kettle.  

     A few hours later, and another dose of Ibuprofen, John came slumping up the stairs.  Leanna greeted him with a wide smile.

     "John, how was it?"

     "Good.  It was good."

     "I need to get some air.  We're going out tonight," Sherlock stated — or more, he ordered — paying no heed to the momentous occasion of his first day at a civilian job.

     "Actually, I've got a date tonight."

     "What?" both his flatmate and his neighbour asked together.

     Leanna teased.  "With whom?  Is she pretty?"

     "Woman from work.  And yeah, I think she is."  They shared a smile.  Sherlock interrupted.

     "What are you doing that for?"

     John furrowed his brow.

     "You know, when two people who like each other go out and have fun?"

     "That's what I was suggesting."  Sherlock was oblivious as always.

     "No, it wasn't.  At least, I hope not."

     "Where are you taking her?"


     An appropriate follow-up question would have been which film they'd see. 

     "Dull.  Boring.  Predictable."  

     He paced about.  Then, he walked up to John and handed him an old tattered pamphlet.  Leanna craned her neck to get a glimpse of it.  

     "Why don't you try this?  In London for one night only."

     The Yellow Dragon Circus.

     "Thanks," John replied, laughing tensely, "but I don't come to you for dating advice."

     John left to change and freshen up.  Left alone again, Leanna eyed the detective suspiciously.  She watched as he observed the books.

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