Chapter six

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I opened my eyes slowly and groaned. My head was throbbing like crazy. I had a horrible hang over.

I tried to sit up in my bed. Somehow I ended up back in my apartment. I noticed that I wasn't wearing the dress I wore to the club yesterday. I was wearing an oversized shirt.

To be honest, I don't even remember what happened last night. This is what happens when you decide to listen to your irresponsible best friend.

Speaking of Rachel, where was she? I looked over to her bed but she wasn't there. Soon the door cracked opened, and she walked inside with a bottle of water and aspirin.

"Thanks," I said gratefully taking the items from her. I popped the pill in my mouth and quickly rinsed it down with water.

She quickly snatched the water bottle from my hand, before I could take another sip. Then she walked towards the window and opened the blinds.

"What's your problem?!" I asked shielding my eyes from the sunlight.

"I could ask you the same question." She replied, with her hands on her hips. "I can't believe you were so irresponsible last night'!"

"Me?" I folded my arms. "You're the one who dragged me to Hotspot in the first place!

"Audrey, that still doesn't justify why you drank past your limit and ditched me at the club last night leaving me stranded. I had to get a cab to get home."

I looked down, feeling guilty. She had every reason to be angry with me. "You're right. I'm sorry."

"It's alright. I still love you bih. Go brush your teeth and get cleaned up. I'll make us some breakfast."

I watched her retreating form before slowly getting out of bed to head towards the bathroom. After I brushed my teeth, I took a hot shower then slipped on some casual home clothes to wear. I wasn't planning on going anywhere today.

Walking into the kitchen, I saw Rachel seated by the island with two plates, one that I was assuming was for me.

"Thanks," I said taking a seat across from her. "And I'm sorry again about last night."

"It's okay, sis. Don't worry about it." She offered me a small smile.

I reached for the plate that was in front of me and the mug. Rachel made scrambled eggs and toast with coffee. It tasted like heaven.

"That was really good," I said taking my empty dishes to the sink. "I wish I could cook like this."

"Seriously, Audrey, I don't know how'd you survive without me."

I laughed in agreement. I was a horrible cook. The only reason I've survived this long was because of food take outs and her.

"So who did you leave with club last night?"

I shrugged, sitting back down. "I have no idea. I really don't remember much about last night. I only remember dancing with you and then sitting down at the bar. I seriously wasn't planning on getting that drunk."

"Pretty dumb of you if you ask me. For all we know, some stranger could've picked you up."

"I know," I said holding my head down in shame. "I won't drink so irresponsibly next time."

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