After dinner

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Hakeem pov

She said yes OMG I'm so happy
After that of course I sealed the deal n paid the waiter n took her to the car
Laura: babe this ring is beautiful you didn't have to get me ah big rock 💍💎
Hakeem: well you deserve something special because you work so hard you deserve I love you
Laura: I love you too 😍 you should show this side of you all the time so ppl know you better
Hakeem: we getting off topic but no im afraid that I will lose fans if the know the real me but we moving forward so I have a question for you do you want a short or long engagement?
Laura: ..... well I want ....
Hakeem: wat do u want
Laura: .......... you ............ *looks innocent*
I blushing dammit I'm suppose to be the one making her blush not the one blushing
Laura: Aww look who's blushing
Dam she keeps making me blush ugh
Hakeem: ...... *rolls eyes* shut up
We both end up laughing n I leaned down to kiss her
Soon the kiss became passionate n before I knew it the driver was interrupting us again damn this driver has good timing
Hakeem: thxs man
We ride the elevator n soon we were on our floor
As we enter the penthouse I picked Laura up n carried her to the bedroom n u know Wat happen next😏

The next morning

Anika pov

Ugh I have a plan a really good one that involves Tiana n Laura I'm sure Tiana heart broken bc of Laura so the plan is

The anika plan
1. Make Laura n Tiana fight
2. Make Laura jealous of Tiana n Hakeem
3. Laura catches Hakeem n Tiana kissing
4. Get Hakeem away from Tiana
5. Raise me n this bby with Hakeem

See it's a real simple n easy plan now all I have to do is get Tiana to agree with it
*Takes phone out n call Tiana*
(T=Tiana a= anika)
T: hello
A: hi Tiana this is anika
T: look anika I'm not in the mood rn
A: wait wait ... it's Hakeem isn't it
T: Yea
A: well I have. A plan to break up Hakeem n Laura once n for all Wat do u say
T: WATS in it for me
A: Hakeem of course
T: well okay
A: good I'll text u the plan I gotta go now bye
T: bye
* ends phone call*
Good now a I have to do is get ready for the first show to start damm I should get the popcorn ready

A/n well there u go enjoy n comment Wat do u think should happen next

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