Their Love

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I miss him I hardly have time to talk to him everytime I call him I gotta do do rehearsals or it's time for the show or after the show it's the signing autographs the last time I talked to him is when we texted on the phone yesterday n I can't text him now I gotta go to the meet n greet right before the show n then rehearsals n then the show I just miss him so much but I gotta go time to meet the ppl who got me where I am rn living my dream
I unplug for phone n go to snapchat n get it ready fans love to he on our snapchat go add me iamlaurac (made up snapchat name) adios
Me~bro u don't know how much I miss her every time we talk it's not long as it should. she always doing something for somebody or the rehearsals or the show but I keep telling myself that she loves me
Jamal~ bro calm down why don't u just go n see her
Me~ ur right Inna use my private jet
*makes the call to the airline n hangs up*
Jamal ~alright bro Inna holla at ya later bye bro
Me~ bye
I pull out my phone n scroll down my contact list n then I see her
Hey baby ILY n miss u
Laura pov
I just got done wit the meet n greet
It's crazy how my ghetto dream came true n all the things the fans bring the we love u Laura signs r just amazing n I love them
My thought were interrupted by my phone vibrate in my back pocket I pull it out n see a mssg from
I quickly responded with
Heyy ily too n imy so much 💋💋
Instantly I get a reply
Ur dome wit rehearsals n meet n greet? I texted back
Yes n no meet n greet is done but not the show show starts in like 3hrs I'm just laying down n charging my phone
I get a reply
Dam I didn't ask Wyd all I asked was where u done wit everything 😏😝
I swear this boy
Baby ughh ur lucky I love u
Tiana~ lauraaa u need to do ur rehearsals so hurry tf up ur not gonna ruin my tour with ur lazy ass
*rolls eyes👀*
Me~Tiana I'm coming u don't have to be so rude
Tiana~ Listen here Lil girl this is MY Tour I act the way I wanna n if u don't like it then leave n the only reason ur here is bc Hakeem is ur boyfriend ur problem just using him for fame
Me~ no that was u I've never used Hakeem for nothing I'm not with him for his money nor his fame I'm with him bc I love him we r getting married bc we love each other now I have my rehearsals to do for the show bye ✌
I try to walk away but Tiana grabs my arm n she try to hit me but was pulled back by cookie
Cookie~ wat tf is going on here
Me~ I was trying to go to the rehearsals but Tiana here grabbed my arm 😒
Cookie~ Tiana is this true
Tiana~ wat no Laura was telling me that this was her show n that she didn't really love Keem
Me~ WTF I've never said that u were the one who told me that this was ur show n if I don't like it I can leave n then u said that I was using Hakeem n I'm not I love him n all I said to u was that u were the one using him I've never used his fame or money I could care less bout who son he is or if he. Famous I love Hakeem with everything in my heart I've haven't n wouldn't cheat on him bc I love him n wouldn't hurt him like you did
Cookie~ okay Laura calm down okay I believe u
Cookie~ Yes I am I've seen the way Laura n Hakeem r we their in the same room there eyes light up when their in the same room n Laura been putting up wit u n ur attitude threw out the whole tour u been nothing but a Bitch to her ..... Tiana I'm putting u on notice if u ever touch Laura or nobody else again I gonna cancel this tour n don't say this is Laura fault u can thank yourself for that now go to rehearsals Tiana
Tiana~whatever 😒
After she walks off I tell cookie thank you n hem go to rehearsals n hem go to the dressing room
I'm bout to land DC Ik can't win toy see her it feels like I haven't seen her in years then show starts in a hour
Gtg my plane gonna land see Ya at to show

Empire: Hakeem Lyon & Laura CallerosDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora