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Tiana POV
.... I fucken hate her !! She pregnant with Hakeem bby 😠 ... Anyway tonight is the bet awards n sadly me n that bitch r up for the same awards  but I ain't finna worry I come the slayy tonight fym

   Gtg have to get to the bet awards
Laura POV
I'm so nervous tonight is the bet awards me n the bby r fine  as for me n Hakeem things r okay trust issues RN cus of the baby mama but there's nothing I can do bout that BC that's as before me  ... Anyway I have to get ready I have a concert at the bet awards n the red carpet  so let me get ready to slayy 

Keem: babe ur ready
Me: yea
Keem: oh noo you need to go change
Me: wat why
Keem: BC u look too fine 😍😘
Me: whatever that's too much work babyyy
Keem: okay let's go baby
We soon arrived to the bet awards 
Reporters : Hakeem!! Laura!! Is it true ur pregnant
Host: look who it is Hakeem n Laura soon to be lyon y'all look cute tonight matter fact y'all r slaying the carpet so far
Hakeem n Laura: thank you
Host: can we interview y'all real quick
Hakeem: sure
Host: so Hakeem n laura are you pregnant ?
I looked at Hakeem I don't want the press to know yet so I answered the question
Laura: no sorry but hakeem pull out game is strong 😂😂*laughs*
Host: *laughs* so Hakeem anything to add ?
Hakeem: she ain't pregnant yet my pull out game can't be strong all the time 😏😂*laughs*
Host:*laughs* so Hakeem is it true that u n tiana r gonna preform a song tonight
Hakeem n I shared I look
Hakeem: ... Yes .. We be performing drip drop
Host: Laura how do you feel about that ur fiancée n his ex preforming a song like drop drop
Laura: I'm cool with it bc I'm not childish n petty
Host: Laura is it true that ur also performing tonight
Laura : yes
Host: are you guys working on any new songs
Hakeem n Laura: Yes we can not wait for you guys to hear
Host: well thank you Hakeem n Laura can't wait to see tall performance
We take a few more pictures n than we took our seats
Host: Up next we have Hakeem n tiana performing Drip Drop 
As I watched them perform together I get a text from an unknown number
Unknown : Are you sure he ain't cheating on you
Unknown : He ain't loyal
Unknown : Watch your back bitch
I ignored them because I know Hakeem ain't cheating on me
I continue to watch Hakeem perform with tiana she tries to grind against him but he looks uncomfortable n he *gco*
Unknown : aren't they just FCE
Host: alright the winner for song of the year goes to ..... HAKEEM LYON ~DRIP DROP~
Hakeem gets up n turns around n kiss me
Hakeem: ily babe
He walks to the stage n accept the award
Hakeem: wow I just wanna thank my fans n my family n most importantly I wan a thank loml Laura soon to be Lyon ily baby  thank you once again
*skips to when Laura preforms *
*The song Laura preform  mm*
Host: for best new artist of the year nominees are Tiana Brown , Laura Calleros ,  DNCE , ( n who ever else were nominated)
Tiana POV
I began to stand up to acpet my award  I began to smile as they began to announce my name
Thats when I heard that bitches name being called 😣 I worked so hard for that award
Laura POV
Did they call my name ?!? They did !! I began to walk up to the stage to accept the award
Laura: I would like to thank Lyon dynasty for signing me n my fans with out y'all I wouldn't be here today thank you so much for getting me here today
As I walk off the stage my phone goes off n it's a text msg from Tiana
Tiana: this ain't over yet WATCH YOUR BACK BITCH!!
A/n more to come stay tune
A/N Stay tune for more 😏

Empire: Hakeem Lyon & Laura CallerosDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora