Archangels, Spells, and Men Who Are Being Led Into a Trap

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An hour and a half later, I was pacing anxiously in front of my old workplace, waiting for whoever had emailed me to show. I checked my phone for the time, then shoved it back in my pocket and turned around to resume my pacing when I almost ran into a dark-haired man.

"Katherine Whitaker," he growled. "Where are the Winchesters?" I hesitated, and he said, "Don't worry, we won't hurt you."

"I left them at the motel," I lied. "I told them I was supposed to be here at 3 am, then went out to get some air and never came back."

"Well then," he said, two more men appearing out of the darkness around him, "This should be quick and easy." He opened his mouth to reveal a set of the same teeth that had left a scar on my neck almost two years ago, then started moving slowly towards me.

I backed away, saying, "You said you wouldn't hurt me!"

He grinned, a horrible sight with all those teeth, and said, "I lied." Is that exchange some sort of thing with their species?

I whirled and raced away, skidding around the corner of the building just ahead of two vampires. I heard twin thuds as their heads hit the ground, then Dean emerged from the shadows with a bloody machete just as the third rounded the corner. The vamp's eyes went wide with shock, but when he turned to run, Sam was behind him and knocked him down with one blow.

"I heard you were looking for us," Sam said, stalking closer to the monster, who was trying to crawl away.

The vampire glared at me, standing next to Dean, and said, "You said you left them at the motel!"

I looked down at him and smiled. "I lied."

Sam crouched down next to the vampire and pulled out a syringe full of dark red liquid. "Now, I know you aren't the one looking for us. You're too far down on the totem pole. I suggest you tell me who sent you before I have to use this."

His eyes glued to the syringe, the vamp stammered, "The alpha! It – it was the alpha! He's still pissed about you making him let that boy go a while back!"

Sam and Dean made eye contact and grinned. "Excellent," Sam said, leaning closer to the monster cringing on the ground. "Why don't you tell us where he's holed up, and we'll go visit him ourselves?"

A few minutes later, there were three heads on the ground and the boys and I were walking back to the Impala. The address the vamp had given us was in a wealthy part of town, and I gave Dean directions to get to the huge plantation-style mansion where the alpha was living.

"I used to know the people who lived here," I said, looking wistfully at the columns. "I guess they're probably dead now."

Sam looked at Dean, still sitting in the driver's seat. "So what's the plan? We just gonna knock on the door?"

Dean shrugged. "Why not? We've got dead man's blood bullets and machetes; I think we can probably inconvenience them enough that we get in, get Mrs. Whitaker, and get out."

The guys got out of the car, but when I went to open mine, Dean wouldn't let me. "You stay here, Kat," he said seriously. "We can't be worrying about two civilians in there, okay?" He handed me a handgun. "This has some of those dead man's blood bullets in it. Anything comes for you, shoot it between the eyes. If we aren't back in twenty minutes, leave."

Scowling, I accepted the pistol. I knew that what he had said made sense, but that didn't mean I had to like it. I watched as the boys walked up to the house, and Dean knocked on the door. It was opened, and the boys just walked in, no violence involved. I sighed and settled down to wait.

Fifteen minutes later, they came out, covered in blood and supporting my mother between them. I immediately slammed the car door opened and rushed towards them, embracing my mother tightly. "I'm so sorry, Mom," I sobbed. "I didn't know they would come after you."

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