Party Part II

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Agggghhh. I finally sobered up and realize I am cuddling with Jordan Lord. I look down an realize that I am completely naked. "This cannot be happening " I scream. I immediately jump out of the bed to start looking for my clothes cause they weren't on the ground. When I look up I see my bra on the ceiling fan along with my dress. "That's good enough" I think cause I can't bother to look for my undies. I run downstairs trying to find my friends and end up finding neither of them so I asked Jared for a ride since he was always so nice to me for no reason, I wonder why though.

As soon as we reached Emma's house I realized the light were off which meant everyone was sleeping and I didn't want to disturb them so I came out the car, told Jared thanks and began walking down the road. I started to feel nauseous. As soon as I sat on the bench  my stomach emptied it's non existent contents. All of a sudden someone held my hair and when I was finished handed me a handkerchief. Turning around grateful and ready to show my appreciation I find myself face to face with Jared, a concerned expression on his face. Seconds later I'm faced with the question if I'm ok. I brake down and tell Jared everything so he ends up offering me a place to stay for tonight.

He takes me to his house and offer me one of his shirts to sleep and I end up just changing in front of him since he's already seen me at my worst. "Hey Ashley do you want some food?" I hear him say.

"Yeah sure what do you got ?" Since I'm feeling a bit hungry. Soon he comes back with a bag of chips and two cans of soda. We talk and laugh for a while until we both started yawning like it was going out of style. We went up to his bedroom and he gave me the bed and was going to sleep on the floor. That made me feel bad cause it's his bed and he's gonna sleep on the floor. "Jared" I heard myself say and when he didn't answer I thought he fell asleep, rolling over to do the same I hear " yeah". " come and sleep beside me, you can't sleep on the floor you won't be comfortable and there is space in the bed" I give out. As expected he protested but eventually came in the bed beside me. He threw his arm over me and mumbled " everything will be ok beautiful". The land of dreams captured me right after.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2016 ⏰

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