The Party

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When I got home I put down my bag and went straight to the kitchen to get a big snack to be able to survive tonight, because first was the stress of getting ready then the party. I had a long night ahead of me. In the middle of my snack my mom reaches home , " Ashley, are you home?" I was enjoying my snack too much to pause and answer her but eventually she came into the kitchen and found me. She walks to the table and kisses my forehead and says , " sweetie I'll be going out this evening so you can go over to either Emma or Cece's house" so I respond " well mommy I already planned to go to a party with the girls but I can sleepover with one of them too" she looks at me weirdly and says " just be careful " and walks off.

After I finished my snack I went and took a bath and washed my hair so it would be easier to comb for the party. I wrapped myself in a towel and went to find cute bra and undies. While doing this I thought why not polish my toes in the mean time so I put them on and say on my bed polishing me toes. By the time I was finished the doorbell wrung.

After three hours of getting ready we finally left for the party. When we got there as I had predicted, it was in full swing. Emma parked the car and we strode pass the naked people running around on the lawn, the drunks sucking at each other's tonsils like there was no tomorrow and people puking there guts out as if it was a competition to see who finished first. We entered the house and went straight to the bar, each of us getting a drink then separating to go on the dance floor.

After about an hour dancing with a drunk guy I went back to the bar to get another drink and ended up having so many that I felt like I was going to join the puking competition so I made me way to the bathroom. After I felt like I was finished vomiting I went into one of the bedrooms to lay down but I saw a figure on the bed so I crawled onto it and started making out with it.

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