chapter ten

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We arrive at the mall and we split up. Me, Misook, Dean, and Tae all head together to Abercrombie and Fitch meanwhile Jimin, Jungkook, and Hoseok went to American Eagle Outfitters. Everyone started crazily shopping even for random things that weren't just clothes. We started getting tired so we took a snack break. We all met up and bought frozen yogurt. I got coconut and dumped a shitload of gummy peaches on top and paid.

"Of course you dump gummy peaches all over." Dean said, laughing.
"You know me." I winked. He walked over and put his hands through my hair and ruffled it. He had a cup of peanut butter yogurt with blueberries as toppings.
"You always have a weird taste for things."
"You know it." He winks back as I snorted.
"Nice snort."
"You love my snorts."

We sat down at the table and started eating. Misook and Jimin sat at the table next to us and chatted.
"Don't they look like a couple?" I nudged Dean.
"Yeah." He answered, pausing, and then yelling,"Hey, are you two a couple?"
Jimin's head turned around as Misook glared at Dean. I just sat there, laughing.
"Yes we are." Jimin said, kissing Misook, taking her by surprise as her eyes widened but then she kissed back.
"Yikes, just shove your tongue down her throat in public instead of just kissing." Dean joked, but Jimin actually did it. Me and Dean grabbed our frozen yogurt cups and ran off to some other store, laughing our asses off.

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