The Loner Girl

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Jacob's POV

I drive into the parking lot thinking I can't. I just can't. I get out of my black Chevy Silverado truck and close the door, then head to the front doors. At least no one here knows me. If they did, I would be kicked out, just like all the others. But now I have a fresh start. I can be who I want, and no one can say differently. I walk into the University of North Texas and immediately see this beautiful woman, who everyone else seems to be ignoring. How could anyone ignore her? She is a person too. Maybe I could get to know her. But first I have to get my registration in. I walk into the front office and hand the lady my forms and she gives me my schedule. I turn around and leave, looking for the girl I saw, but she is nowhere in sight. She probably just went to her first class. I hope I have her in some of my classes. I head to class and the day speeds by until free period, when I see her again, leaving the University. I need to know her I say to myself. I follow her outside, and begin trailing her. But once she rounds a corner I loose her. I look all around me, but I don't see her. Then I am suddenly on the ground with her boot on my chest. Now I can see her more clearly. She has straight, black hair, brown eyes with a gray outside ring. A BVB t-shirt with a leather jacket and black jeans. I take it all in, then notice she's been talking to me. "Did you hear me? I asked, why are you following me?" "I-I don't know. I'm new here, and I saw you earlier, and I had to know you" I responded, while thinking wow, she has an amazing voice too. She suddenly steps off of me, and helps me up. "Well then hello new guy. I'm Elana. What's your name?" "Jacob. I moved here from Georgia" I responded. "Nice. But don't follow me any more. I like being alone." Before I could respond, the bell rang and she hurried off. Elana. What a beautiful name I think to myself as I head back to the dorms, and fall asleep, dreaming of her.


Morning (or afternoon) dearies. Hope you are enjoying the book so far. It looks like the mystery guy has a crush on the loner girl, huh? But what about her? Find out next time dearies!

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