hey angel: chase jeter

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"hey angel," chase begins as he walks down the steps, "how did you sleep?"

turning to face him, you shrug. "eh, i slept alright, but there was some blanket hog in the bed with me." a grin lights up your features when you're finished speaking, showing him you weren't seriously mad.

chase giggles, the most beautiful sound you think you've ever heard, and wipes his tired eyes. "i didn't hear you complaining when you latched onto me like a koala." rolling your eyes at him, you turn back to the bowl of cereal you're currently eating.

after a few moments chase settles in next to you with his own bowl of cereal, munching quietly while scrolling through his phone. he steals quick glances at you, trying hard not to stare too long so you don't pay attention to his wondering eyes; he just can't help being in awe of your beauty. there's a reason he calls you angel, after all.

chase still remembers everything about the day he asked you out. it was hot, almost unreasonably, and chase and the boys were at the beach. he remembers seeing the most beautiful girl he's ever seen laughing as she made her way to the water. and he knew then you had to be his.

the boys made fun of him for making heart eyes at you all day but he couldn't help it; he was too scared to talk to you. your beauty was just too damn intimidating.

he didn't work up the nerve to talk to you until just before sunset, when he saw you sitting by yourself looking up at the sky. he walked over slowly, the whistles of the boys fading as he got closer to you; when he sat down next to you he remembers you not saying anything, not even glancing his way.

"do you know the reason why we look up to the sky?" after the few minutes of silence, he was startled to hear you speak, and my god was it a beautiful voice.

"uh. no, i can't say that i do."

"i think it's because we like the thought of angels."

chase glanced over at you and saw your big eyes staring up at the sky in awe.

"yeah? i hear there are some angels here on earth too. maybe that's why we keep on living, so we can try to find them. i think i just did."

your face starts to cover in a deep red blush and chase knows then that he has you.

"hey angel. my name is chase."

and it was the start of something beautiful.

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