if i could fly: frank jackson

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i KNOW that this song doesn't come after hey angel but i hit writer's block hard and then this idea for frank's imagine came to me so i couldn't NOT write it. okay anyways, enjoy!

you're instantly regretting agreeing to go somewhere with snow.

you find yourself sitting in the passenger seat of your rental car, bundled up so tight you can barely move. your scarf is practically wrapped around your face and you're shivering and scowling. the heat in the rental isn't working properly, or rather it's not working as well as you want it to, but frank doesn't seem phased. with his thick jacket and black beanie, he looks like he belongs in the woods.

he glances over at you and chuckles. "smile, we're on vacation."

your scowl deepens. "i'm fucking cold," you complain, crossing your arms across your chest. "why did i let you talk me into this? oh yes, let's go into the fucking woods during the winter as a vacation for our anniversary! greatest idea i've ever agreed to."

"you're so dramatic," frank says with an affectionate shake of his head. he takes the left the receptionist at the main lodge told him about and the car turns on to a dirt road; well, what would have been a dirt road. right now it's nothing but tightly packed snow and ice, and with every jerk and bump of the car you get increasingly agitated.

"are we there yet?"

"i'm going to pretend you didn't just ask that."

you sigh heavily and rest back in your seat. you have to admit, the woods are gorgeous. the setting sun makes everything look like you're in an actual winter wonderland. you see the cabin and your scowl fades slightly; it's beautiful, a small cabin tucked away from the "main" road. frank pulls up outside and turns off the car.

"what do you think?" he asks.

"it's beautiful," you admit. "but i'm still freezing."

he laughs and opens the car door. "come on, let's get you inside and get a fire going in the fireplace."

you help him gather your bags and food supplies before trudging through the freshly fallen snow to the cabin porch. the cabin is larger on the inside than you anticipate. the bedroom, living room and kitchen area are in one large room, with a nice-sized bathroom and closet towards the back. you bring your food into the kitchen, while frank puts your suitcases on the bed.

there's a neat stack of wood near the fireplace and frank gets to work.

"so, no tv, no wifi" you tell him. "what exactly do you expect us to do for the week?"

"spend time together," frank says. "explore the area. talk. have tons of sex."

"there it is," you say chuckling and putting some of the food in the refrigerator. "that's why you dragged me into the middle of nowhere. so we can have tons of uninterrupted sex."

"well of course," he says, giving an impish grin.

he eventually gets the fire going and you relax a little more. he comes over and helps you put your supplies away before he pulls you into a tight hug. you're still bundled, however, and he has to do most of the work. "thanks for taking this vacation with me," he says with a smile, unwrapping your scarf from your face so he can see you better.

"of course," you say, smiling back. "we've both been working so hard. it'll be nice to unplug for a few days and just enjoy each other's company. i promise i will try not to complain too much about the cold."

frank chuckles. "and i appreciate that." he gives you a small peck on the lips before pulling away. "i shall go gather more firewood to keep my woman warm."

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