Lets play the renaming game

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This time, it has to do with a current friend. I'll call them Mei.

To start off, Mei is still to this day friends with the person from the previous chapter. (another reason I had a hard time escaping)

Mei still continues to defend this person, making up excuses and all this bull.

Mei is also very jealous and suspicious of whatever you do. She also rubs in your face any time she has a better thing than you. For example, she also has a boyfriend that lives in Florida. However, she has the money for plane tickets to constantly visit him and vice versa. I have voiced my feelings over her bragging about this, since it makes me very upset. However, Mei continues to talk about it; knowing full well that I do not enjoy it.

Not only that, but Mei will continuously say things such as "my real friends would have done this instead of that." wow. Mei also looooves to get in the middle of everyone's drama, and is incredibly rude to people she chooses to dislike for almost no reason. She also talks behind everyone's back, and it bugs me to no end.

Mei also has waay too high of a self esteem when it comes to her art. I'll admit, it's good to be confident with your creations. However, Mei takes any kind of question or criticism as a personal attack on her. One time a classmate asked why the character Mei drew had animal ears, and she shunned the kid for the rest of the class. She looked so offended and to this day I still don't understand. (also all of her pictures look almost the same, and the anatomy is wonky but honestly I'm too much of a wuss to say anything. I just feel she can do so much better if she tried)

I hate lying to people, but I really don't know why I'm still friends with Mei.

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