One Night Stand

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Human Au. Random oneshot based on the game "One night stand". It's a sweet little game (the title is a little off-putting - it's not actually about the night; it's the morning after, like this story.) I saw Markiplier play through it, and I really liked the calming visuals and equally calm and professional dialogue and dating sim/ace attorney like gameplay. Main plot elements and twists (?) are loosely (but mostly) taken from the game, but I deviate a lot (to fit more Amedot in, of course). I also change it up because Amethyst isn't a blank slate, unlike the dude you play as in One Night Stand. I saw the game about a month ago, so I'm not sure why it came to me in the form of an Amedot oneshot while I was on holiday. Anyway, enjoy as I continue to work on my commissions and other fanfics. There is non-described (mostly) mentions of sex throughout the fic, and at the end it gets a little more described. That's the reason for the M rating, apart from mentioned alcohol abuse and slight swears. I just did it to be safe.

Ugh. My head. My stomach. I...feel like crap.

The first thing Amethyst noticed as she entered consciousness was the painful pounding in her head. Then she felt the complimentary queasiness in her stomach that came free with the pounding. Then, she found that this very soft bed that she was laying in was not hers. Ugh, this is not good.

She opened her eyes up to a very bright bedroom, and the pounding got worse. After allowing a minute for her eyes to adjust, she surveyed the scene by moving her head minutely. Any sudden movements made her feel nauseous. Ugh, I musta had too much to drink. Where am I, anyway?

She decided to explore her surroundings without actually moving. The bedroom was quite small, but featured very large windows that were letting the morning sun in through wispy, white curtains. She lay under a cream cover, dotted with green, round circles that looked a little like alien heads. Cute, but not exactly my style. What's over to my right?

She rolled over to her side away from the window, feeling the liquids in her stomach move around uncomfortably. She winced and put a pudgy hand to her gut, continuing her visual tour of the room. She looked at a door, which most likely led out of the bedroom, further into the unfamiliar house which was definitely not hers.

There was a drawer next to her with very eye-catching panties strewn out on them. She recognized them as hers instantly. Shit. What are those doing there? A quick sweep of her hand over her groin confirmed her suspicions. Oh goddammit I'm not wearing any pants.

Before she could grab her underwear and shuffle them on, a sigh and minute ruffle of the covers froze her in place. It came from behind her, on the window side she had yet to examine. Amethyst quickly flipped over and saw the pale, small, smooth back of a stranger. The person had their head sunk into their pillow, so their face was hidden. But whoever they were, they had short, pale blond hair that stuck in every direction. My hair is probably way worse, but that is one scruffed up 'do. B-But wait. Did I sleep with this person? Oh geez...

Amethyst hesitated to wake the stranger up. This was obviously a one night stand; waking up naked in a stranger's bed was a pretty good indicator. But she couldn't remember the seemingly enjoyable experience. Should she ask the person what happened? Or should she just leave wordlessly, never to see them again? It didn't really matter, right? People did this all the time without concern. But this was the first time she had done anything like this. It wasn't really her thing to leave no impression. Would talking with them make it awkward? It was hard to weigh up which was the better choice, especially with a fogy and hung over mind. She instead procrastinated and looked around the bedroom again.

One Night Stand (Amedot AU oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now