Attempts|West Turkraine

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1)The first attempt of Turkey●It was known that West Ukraine and Ukraine theirself were the depressive countries of USSR that times. They worked hard on projects.

After WWI.

Ottoman Empire(before 1923) noticed that West Ukraine was depressed. What can I do. And she was also over worked. And always busy with her sister.

He tried to make attempts to get her out of the workplace. Russia and his leader didn't let them meet.

2)Ottoman empire became Turkey.

He tried to break her boundaries of being less close with physical contacts.

Gifts,Flowers and sweets;He simply tried to find the way to break through it.

"You know,my sister hates when someone makes her gifts that were bought." And with these words that Lev has spoken,Turkey understood.

Well,he didnt.

He just started stalking and following her around trying to surprise her with hugs. Which she simply refused to accept and he had to let her go.


Turkey simply couldnt understand this.

"You have to be straightforward with what you want,idjit." Said Lev now hinting Turkey.

Something suddenly hit Turkeys head.

"Hey,West~" Turkey said now leaning to the table where The Ukrainian was working by.

She sighed and smirked looking at him "What do you want."

He narrowed his eyes "To take you on a date! Seriously,its been almost a century and we didn't go out from now on then! You are all into work and I am just wondering if you have feelings towards me tho-" he started his Lecture.

"What do you want." She said still looking into his eyes....creepy.

He huffed and said "Kiss me." He only replied with this.

Ivy then laughed at his reply "Finally you told me what to do you want," She stood up reaching for him and quickly kissing him.

He blushed madly and was happy that They made the first step.

This is uterly disgusting when you are describing it.

Yet her boundary was broken. 0,1%.

Try again,Loser.

3) Waltz.

"Hey,Sister," said Lev fixing his tie and coming to her "Mind for a spin?"

*Spin on old Russian translates as a short waltz where the couple performs only one or two full sets of the waltz rules.

Lvov simply smiled and gave his hands for her to hold.

*Now,there is two types of Waltz: A close and a far(which is usually common in old movies based on old books)

She accepted his invitation and smiles back at him.

They simply started with a small half spin (I call this move a half slide) and... they got interfered all of a sudden.

"WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING?" Turkey stated facing West.

"Turkey!" She exclaimed while Lvov was simply staring at Turkey with a dark and pissed aura.

Save him.

West Ukraine death glared him "Man,Its only my brother..and a small waltz."
The glare was the thing to always kill Turkeys insides.

He blinked "O-OH!My bad! Uh.." he rubbed the back of his head.

Lvov slowly pulled out the Hucul axe.


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