chapter 2

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“Are you fucking kidding me?” I screamed to them

They both turned around stunned!

“Lana what are you doing here I I um” Ashton stuttered

“I though you loved my you dirty prick, why? Why today? Are you that heartless?” I said trying not to cry.

“Lana I um I ah um, I’m sorry” he said in a disappointed voice.

I couldn’t help but run to the toilet and burst into tears.

ASHTONS POV                                            

“Shit what have I done?”

“How could I do this to her?”

“What if she turns back to cutting again?”

“I have to go see her. Explain to her?”

I’ve fucked up real bad! I’m going to go talk to Luke he always has good advice.


“Ashton what’s wrong? I said as he runs into my room.

“Luke I’ve fucked up real bad” Ashton said.

“What did you do? I said in a worried voice

“Lana saw me kissing Katy, and started screaming at me and then ran off crying. Im scared that she is going to turn back to cutting.” Ashton said nearly in tears.

“Why would you do that? I thought you loved her?” I said to him in a stern tone.

“I do love her! I don’t know what come over me” he said

“Well you need to go find her and explain to her what happened and make sure she has not hurt herself. Okay?” I said to him.

“Okay” Ashton says racing out of the room.


I burst through the door and ran into my room and slammed the door shut and cried into my pillow.

Why would he do this to me? Am I not good enough? I show him how to hurt.

I grabbed my razer that I haven’t used in months and started to slam it into my skin.

As the blood poor’s from my wrist I smile and say to myself “fuck Ashton! I’ll show him pain!”

I suddenly stop hearing a bang at the front door and my name being screamed it was Ashton.

“Lana come down stairs I need to talk to you” he shouted.

I walk down stairs open the door and see him in tears.

He saw the blood dripping from my wrist.

He grabbed my arm and started kissing all the scares.

He started to tear up again as I say to him this is your fault.

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