Chapter 1

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"I'm coming for you, Y/n! No one can save you now!" His insane balling fits of laughter replayed in your mind like a broken record. Your breaths were heavy, your vision was a blur as you sprinted from the intoxicating laughter which surrounded you. Though you couldn't run from what was everywhere, it was inevitable but you were determined to break from the hell of cackles and cries.

Soon running got you concealed in a decaying fun house, but no fun was here, only painful memories of life and happiness which it once brought. Soon you were enclosed by altered images of your own reflection, mimicking your every movement. Each were different made to bring amusement by its stupidity. The gloomy room seemed to have no exit, even the one you came in was eaten away by the darkness. You were trapped in your own reflections. The laughing came to a sudden spine tingling stop as you walked on, searching for a way out of this hell hole, when razor like fingers took their grip on your broad shoulder, tugging you back with little to no force. Their warm breath tickled the back of your neck as your back pressed against the front of the monster behind you. He hand no pulse and his body was as cold as ice. It made you struggle furiously as his monstrous hand reeled your form back in. It was over.

  "I. Win." He whispered before drowning you in traumatizing laughter and the sounds of your own shrieks, yet nobody came.

Your bright e/c orbs shot open. The inky images surrounded your vision, making your awakening all that more alarming. Your tense legs refused to move, entwined with the blankets covering your once sleeping form. Beads of salty water rolled down you cheeks not in fear but more of relief. Your mind was dangerous to be in, especially at night. But when you are alone it's the only place which is safe.

Groggily, you jerked away from the covers which forced you to the bed. You looked at the phone which was a few feet away, gazing at the small device you reached for it. You pulled it from the white wire connecting it to the wall, hearing a rewarding clicking sound in the process. The bright screen illuminated the room, filling your soul with a type of nurture with you craved and yet never understood. The numbers 3:37 flared up from the screen, blinding you.

"Oh man. I dreamed of him again." You wheeze through your dry scratchy throat even though no one was there to listen to you. Waking up because of this man .. well monster wasn't something new or wasn't used to. For weeks now you had been dreaming of this unknown clown, it was always filled with gore and bloodshed, things which had always made you feel queasy. You hadn't seen this man before as you knew you would remember him. His eyes were dead, numb and horrifying.  Any time of traumatizing sight, the sight of blood made him fight for it, like a cheater stalking it's pray, only this clown didn't do it for survival. Instead he did it for satisfaction.

No new notifications were on your phone, not that you were surprised. It wasn't new for you to get ignored by the world, not that you minded. Without hesitation you turned on the flashlight which was installed on your square device, filling the room with a white, heavenly glow. Nothing was out of its original place and nothing in your once homely and comforting atmosphere had changed.

Your tired legs pulled you up, stumbling over the air as you head to the door. The doors wooden frame scratched your arm slightly, causing you to jump and wince at the sudden warming pain.

You gradually staggered to your parents room. Both were still and peaceful in bed. Ever since your nightmares began you found a type of relaxation in making sure your family was safe and breathing, something which had came into your wake up routine a few weeks before.

Your somewhat chapped lips stretched themselves into a small smile as you let out a sigh of ease. Yet your parents were totally unaware of your movements and checking up on them. But you felt as if they would be thankful for you doing so.

After checking over the house, making sure everything was fine just like the many mornings before, you carried your lazing body back into the relaxing nurture of your room. Your yawns echoed throughout the room as you climbed back into the soft nourishing comfort of your pillows and blankets, wrapping yourself in them as if you were becoming one of their own. You felt your second slumber of the night blink at your eyes to which you accepted. You soon drifted away from this world and back into your head where you felt most safe and secure but where most deadly thoughts occurred.

Nothing was changed. Even the same eyes watching you as they had every night from the beginning.

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