Chapter 16

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"What is?" Jack asked to your input.

"No night terror, what got you so busy?" You smiled in a sense of relief as you get up and yawn.

"I had more important matters to attend to."

"Oh yeah, I didn't think you of all people had friends."

He glared at you "don't get mouthy because I didn't teach you a lesson last night." He growled.


You began getting dressed in your boring, plain, uniform making yourself picture perfect as you straightened each crease, unfolded each fold and picked the pieces to make it presentable.

"The date is (insert date here) meaning he's back today, am I wrong?" Jacks normal, less threatening, smile twisted in a callous grin. "Meaning that whore he's going to shove his 1 inch dick in is going to be around the corner." He broke into a fit of horrifying giggles. "A-and you'll be so sad!!"

"Hilarious." You say sadly.


"Hey, Y.n?!" You heard the voice call.

'Can I see him a little, say hello and such?' You ask mentally. Your response was a sigh with a grumble 'Fine.'

You turned around and saw the boy, with casts and bandaged covered his skin. The halls were empty due to the lunch period where you walked up and down the empty halls. His bright beautiful eyes were fixed on you.

With no hesitation you ran up to him and gently hugged him. "I've missed you."

"I missed you too." He smiled genuinely and used his spare hand to hold you close to his warm body.

The silence was blissful, peaceful, calming. Your head rested into his shoulder and relaxed in his embrace.

"I'm sorry."

He pulled you back and looked at you with those big, caring eyes that you had always loved.

"You have nothing to apologise for."

"So do you remember the incident at all?" You ask changing the subject slightly, failing at choosing a happier topic.

"Nothing in the slightest. Whoever did that to me will have his head kicked in."

'Make this quick I'm getting bored.' Jack told you mentally.

"I'm sorry to hear that. I have PE now." You sigh sadly "tennis so it's not too much of a hardship.

"Hey me too, only I'm doing soccer / football. I'll walk with you."

(yeah I'm British so I normally say football but Y'know.)

"thank you." You smile gratefully.


"Y.n L.n, Y.n L.n ." The elf murmured to himself looking through his iPhone "finally!"

He looked at the screen blankly. Barely any friends and the pictures on there must have been years old.


He looked and scrolled down, granting himself the access to more personal information than you had set.


His blood stained fingers tapped at the glass in his hand. He soon pondered into the account of your dream boy.

"Oh I so got this."


"No! That's it! No more of that pig skull fucking ass hat!"

"Jack he-"


You were on your way home from school, walking down the empty path like always. No one was around to speak to you not like they would acknowledge your existence, conversation in which seems to be with yourself.

"Speak to him one more time and I swear to fucking God I will shove a knife so far down his throat that it will come out his fucking dick!"

It was much harsher than usual, much more vivid. You stayed silent, clearly shocked.

"Now I'm all worked up." He spat "fuck."

He fiddled with his thumbs before having a satisfied grin on his horrifying face.

"What?" You finally, to hurt and agitated by his 'orders' to be calm over the actions he is doing.

He said nothing.

He did nothing.

He wasn't even breathing. His off-putting glare was sending shivers down your spine. His grin. It was stretched across his white snowy cheeks like spilt raven ink, showing his plaque stained teeth, which were tightly clenched shut.

You ignored him and turned away. But the face was spine chilling. It was burned fresh into your mind down the the last fragile detail. It was a look which Jack had never shown you before, which is strange as Jack always uses the same expression. The blood curdling desire was in his eyes and a hunger sensation in his lips.

He slowly moved closer to your chest, as if approaching a fragile, alert deer. What really made it hair raising was the way he was still, pose in place, arms locked pointing down. His footsteps were like bomb drops which echoed. A bead of sweat was trailing down your forehead to your eyebrows once he had finally gotten close to you, over towering you. He filled the little space between you, even though he had to crouch to get the right height.

"Y.n I would not."

The moment made your core shake. Your arms came up to his chest almost as if you were holding him in place as you stepped back giving a few inches of space between you both.

"You look so .. Good." He purred knowing it made you uncomfortable.

"Bite me."

"Oh believe me dear I intend to." He said taking a step towards you. Your hands were on his chest, pushing his own weight but your effort was payed off very little. He used little force to hold you against the wall. Your breathes were rapid and short, they were quiet yet they rang in the ears of the demon. "I intend to bite, rip, mangle you bit by bit. Devouring your corpse as I break it up like a fucking jigsaw!" He yelled and used more power hold you there. "You'll be dead."

Sugar -- Laughing Jack X readerWhere stories live. Discover now