the real secret

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So when are you and Donnie going to tell them asked April well I have an idea but I have to talk to Donnie about it said Mikey OK talk to you later said April OK bye so now all I need to do is get me and Donnie away from Leo and Raph so I found Donnie and told him to meet me at the old Sunuku place this where we can be alone talk about it Said Mikey and then Raph said this what Sunuku place Aaaah! Raph what are you doing in here said Mikey it looked like Donnie need help with the shell racer so that's why I am in here now please explain to me why did you come here said Raph getting hot headed I needed to tell Donnie something! Yelled Mikey then Mikey stormed out so it was almost midnight and Mikey and Donnie was about to go for a walk and they were there then Mikey told Donnie the plan to tell Raph and Leo that they were girls but before they leave the building started to crumble but Mikey pushed Donnie away but Mikey was to slow and the hole building fell on top of Mikey Mikey! Donnie yelled but no answer then Donnie went back home to get Leo and Raph and went to the collapsed building and Donnie started to dig then he told Raph and Leo to help and Leo asked this is there anyone under there and Donnie said this yes someone dear to us and they finally got to the person that Donnie was talking about and Leo had tears in his eyes and the started to fall and then Mikey woke up and saw Leo actually crying l ...Leo Mikey mumbled and Leo looked up and also mumbled M... Mikey yes it's me dude then then Donnie asked Mikey this should we tell them? Mikey just nodes in agreement so here goes nothing Donnie started by saying guys we have something to tell you Raph and Leo said ya at the same time then Mikey finished by saying that we kept this a secret for to long ready Donnie yay I am ready they both took a big deep breath and said Me and Donnie are ... Said Mikey both girls said Donnie when they open their eyes they say Leo's and Raph's mouths were open. Then Mikey and Donnie started to walk away but they were pulled by the same arms and Leo kissed Mikey and Raph kissed Donnie then they were going home.

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