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Marco Pov
I watched how star ran off, I felt horrible but it's the truth we did kinda rushed this and everything I've heard and things I did..makes me feel like I pushed her to do it, I walked into the house and go up to my room, I just wanted to be alone, but the thoughts of Star and me the way she smiles and giggles and her face when she blushes and way she kissed me..

'grab a hold of yourself Marco..' I shake the thoughts bit her blue sapphire orbs were staring back at me as if she's looking up at me 'Marco..' I fell off the bed and blushed at how I kept thinking of her..she's in my mind no matter what "I gotta go find her" I put my shoes on and went out looking for her, where ever she is?

Star Pov
I stopped running and began to cry, why didn't Marco just say it before we kissed and did things almost..I trusted him as I held myself and felt my skin crawl as I still felt his touch on me, the way he felt my back and stomach, the way we kissed made me feel good, I shake the thoughts and my vision was blurry as I look up and saw someone stand in front of me "Why are you alone and crying?"

I look and see a guy probably older than me "Um..who are you?" I move back and he held out his hand "Take my hand" I hesitate and slowly reach for his hand but I stop and get up on my own "No, I don't know you sorry dude, I'm just gonna go" he nods "Okay, names Nolan by the way, bye" he waves and walks away and I walk and I'm in the town and I didn't realize I ran far "How am I going to go home?"

As I hold my arm I noticed the sun going dark, great it's getting late now, as I begin to run I bump into someone "Oh my gosh! I'm sorry..uh" it was that Nolan guy "Oh crying girl, where you heading it's getting pretty late you know" I nod and I didn't realize his eyes were green "Yeah..that's why I'm..I'm running" he chuckles

"Well sorry I'm in your way..go on" I walk but glare at him "Your weird" I say and he laughs and walks off and I keep looking back but I kept going as I made it to the school it was now dark and I looked around for anyone I know but to my luck no one was there...

I wish Marco was here and hold me tight and kiss me..I start to tear up but then again he hurt me and practically used me..I was all types of confused as I walk towards the school I heard steps and I stayed still and pulled out my wand, I was kinda scared it's dark and I'm alone and the school is closed and empty not a place for a teenage girl to be alone, as I look around I felt something and blasted the thing or person as I look it was that Nolan kid again

"Nolan? Why are you following me! You are so giving me weird creeper vibes" he chuckled and tried getting out of the sticky marshmallows "Well I wanted to make sure your okay, you seemed lost and heartbroken, I was in your shoes once" I gave him a look "Uh you never wore my shoes" he rolls his eyes "That was an expression whoever you are" I smirked and looked at him "Guess my name" I say putting my wand on my hip

"Can you get me out first?" I nodded and peeled him off and he cleaned himself off "Okay..well you have hearts on your cheeks..and you have a wand? Probably not from this world, are you an alien?" I smirked and shake my head "No, I'm a princess but I'm not even close to that cause of how reckless I am"

he laughs and looks at me again "Star bag, star wand...I'm gonna assume your name is Star?" I nod "You got it" he nods and looks at me kinda weird "Okay sorry for staring but your actually beautiful up close" I blush and back up a bit "Thanks Nolan, um I should going home I live a couple blocks awa-" he held my cheek and I blush and looked at him as he leaned "Get away from her!"

I see Marco and he pushed Nolan away from me "Marco?" Nolan laughed and looked down at Marco, I didn't know he was that tall "What are you gonna do about it, she's not taken" I stay behind Marco and wrap my arms on his waist "She's my girlfriend! You just met her and you want to kiss her?! What's the matter with you?" I felt my eyes begin to water "Listen buddy I was going to help her get home because I assume that you're the one that made her cry"

he said poking at his chest "I'm not your buddy..don't touch me and stay away from her or you'll pay" he chuckled as it was a joke and that made me mad and I moved Marco behind me "You made a big mistake" I held my wand in front of me and he shakes his head "Oh I'm scared, you gonna marshmallow me to the wall again?" I smirked and Marco chuckles

"Bye bye, buddy" he looked at Marco and then me "What?" I shot him and trapped him in a cocoon and Marco pulled me into his arms "Star I was so worried...I'm sorry I made you cry, I realized I was dumb to be sacred of what my dad told me" "Wait what he told you?" "It doesn't matter..what matters that your safe star" he gave a smile and I smiled and held on him tight, I didn't want to let go, even though he hurt me I still need him I love him

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