Chapter Six

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Edward POV:

Locked inside a room with the hottest girl in school who can't stand to be near me for some reason. Great. Just my luck. I watched as she tried to open the door but she looked as though she wasn't using all her strength. Which is why I suggested her to boot down the door, to which she snapped at me. Then me being me, had to let out all my problems to her without even thinking and to my surprise she seemed to understand, but yet she couldn't get out the door fast enough. One thing for certian, Bella Cullen is one strange girl. And I'm going to figure out why. 

Bella POV:

As soon as I left the room, I took a deep breath of fresh air and started running after Alice in the direction she ran off in. If I was human, I would have lost her but being a vampire means my smell is better and she defiantly ran off in the direction. Her scent led me to the carpark and I saw her leaning against Jasper with a cunning smile on her face. She planned this. She wanted this to happen. That girl is going to be the death of me. 

I marched over, pulled her out of Jasper's arms and pinned her against my car. Jasper growled and tried to claim back his mate but I shoved him off before he could grab her. "What the hell were you thinking?!"

"I don't know what you're talking about!" She says still smirking

"Sure you don't" I rolled my eyes. "Is that why you're smirking like an Cheshire cat?"

"The power cut. The being locked in a room with a human!"

"Bella are you seriously saying that it was Alice's fault?" Rosalie asked

"Yes I am" I answer without breaking my gaze on Alice

Alice shoved me off her. "Okay, I planned the whole thing. Guilty is charged"


She walked over to Jasper who wrapped his arms around her protectively. "I can't tell you that. If I do, the future will change"

"I hate you" I mumble

"I love you too" 

We all climbed into my car and I drove home not talking to anyone. Once we arrived home, I ran past Esme who was working in the garden and headed straight up to my room. I heard Esme ask the others what was up with me, and them responding that I've been acting weird all day. Great, they're gonna send a doctor up to check on me and make sure I'm not insane. I chuck my school bag on the floor and flop onto my bed and sigh. Times like this, I wish I could sleep away everything. But being a vampire means you can't even sleep. Why can't we be cool like the vampires from 'The Vampire Diaries'? 

I should stay away from Edward and never talk to him and never be in touching distance. But something tells me that won't be possible.... 

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