Chapter Thirteen

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Sorry for the long wait, I've been planning this chapter for like ever but all the drafts didn't seem good so I deleted them and wrote them again. Having the same result each time. In the end I decided that this version is as good as it's going to get. I'm such a bad author :/

Quote thing of the day:

"If today was your last day and tomorrow was too late could you say goodbye to yesterday? Would you live each moment like your last leave old pictures in the past? Donate every dime you had, if today was your last day? What if, what if, if today was your last day?" Nickleback- If Today Was Your Last Day

How soon would you guys like the sequel? If I don't know how soon, you'll get it whenever I publish it haha.

Enjoy the last chapter of this book


Edward POV:

I can safely say everything is back too normal. I hope I just didn't jinx it. After the family got over the fact that in mine and Bella's 'dream state' -we didn't know what else to call it- that I was a human and Bella was a vampire, we continued as normal except for that fact Bella's changing date had been arranged. Now she knew what she would be like as vampire, she wants to be changed sooner. After much arguing- and I mean much arguing, some nights we didn't even speak- we agreed during the up- coming school holidays she would be changed into a vampire. Charlie and Renee are going to think that she's moving in with us because as soon as we leave school, we're 'going to college' so it would be easier. They both surprisingly agreed with the only condition that they get to see Bella now and again. We agreed.

We all didn't expect the school holidays to come as quick. Except Bella, she was counting down. In two weeks' time, Bella would be moving in and then changed into a vampire. I was both happy and nervous about the whole situation, but the shellfish part of me was happy that Bella would be spending forever by my side.

"Something bad is going to happen" Says Alice as I drove to school, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Don't be saying that Alice!" Bella scolded.

Alice rolled her eyes. "Nothing to do with the change Bella. I can see that is all going to happen smoothly until..."

She better not. Every time Alice has a vision of Bella's future, she sees a little bit before it all fades like something is blocking her. We just don't know what and it's got the whole family on edge. Whatever it is, we will face it. The only person who doesn't know is Bella, but I suspect she knows something is up. Nothing goes by Bella unnoticed.

"Until what?" Prompted Bella

"Nothing to worry about love"

"Don't 'nothing to worry about love' me Edward! For weeks you've all been keeping a secret from me and I deserve to know!"

I sighed. "It's nothing to concern you" I lie. "We'll sort it"

"When are you going to accept that I'm a part of the family now?"

"She's right Edward" Alice glances at me from the backseat. "She deserves to know"

"I don't want her to"

"Well you don't get to make that choice" She faces Alice. "What's happening?"

"Every time I look into your future it goes fine until it all goes...dark"

Bella frowns. "Dark?"

"Like something- or someone- is blocking me" Alice tells her

I grabbed Bella's hand. "Whatever it is, we'll-"

I couldn't finish the sentence. The car was suddenly thrown off the road, twirling, spinning and crashing into things as it went off the road. We were thrown about like crayons in a box in a child's hand. My head bashed against the window and I swear I saw a head of blonde hair stood by a tree but I didn't even think about it. If we were being thrown about like this, what's Bella like?

Finally, after ten minutes, the car came to a holt in the forest and I sighed. Alice climbed out and looked around her whilst I looked at Bella and my heart swelled up. It was clear to me she wasn't breathing right, her heart beat was so slow I barley heard her and she was so pale. She had a gash on her head that was bleeding heavily, she was bent over, blood coming out of her mouth and a piece of glass was in her shoulder.



I'm so evil I know!

Hope you guys enjoyed reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing it! I now declare this book as: COMPLETED!

Thank you so much for reading it, voting and commenting. It means a lot.

Check out my other stories so you don't miss out!

Sequel will be coming soon though there's not set date yet.

Thank you and goodbye. Until next time,

Chloe xxx


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