Chapter Eight

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What happened? Where was I? Do vampires even black out? If not, what the hell is happening to me? I slowly opened my eyes and looked around me to see that I'm in some sort of bedroom. It's not my bedroom though it seems familiar to me. The walls were a light blue colour, there was yellow netting's on the windows, a rocking chair, a desk and a bed with purple sheets and someone lying in it. I took a step forward only to hear a groan beneath my feet. Looking down, I saw Edward Swan lying there looking up at me. I just stood on Edward....great. 

"Sorry!" I rush out. "I didn't see you there"

"It's fine" He grunts. I help him up and he looks around. "Where are we?"

I shrug. "Beats me. But there's someone in the bed, maybe we should ask her?"

He looks at the person in the bed and his eyes winded before looking back at me. "That's you"


Edward looks around himself again. "And this sort of looks like my bedroom."

"I repeat, what?"

Before he could respond, the girl in the bed sat up sleepily and we both froze. To my surprise, Edward was right. The girl looked exactly like me only human. She had brown eyes instead of gold. I quickly thought of something to say, how was I going to explain this?

"Look I can explain-" Edward nudged me. "Hey!"

"She's looking straight past us" He tells me.

I look at her to see her looking straight past us like we weren't even there. "Okay what the hell is going on?"

"I second that" Edward never breaks his gaze from the window.

I follow his gaze to see someone who looks like Edward only the vampire version jump through the window and head straight for her. Just like the girl, he doesn't even notice us. The girls eyes light up when he saw him. You could tell they were in love. But a human and a vampire? How was that going to work?

"Bella love, shouldn't you be asleep" The dude says and I gasp. She has the same name as me!

Bella 2 smiles. "I can't sleep Edward"

Once again me and Edward share a look. Okay, so these people not only look like us, but they also share the same name. What is going on here?"

Edward runs his fingers through his hair. "Okay we need to-"

He didn't get a chance to finish as he collapsed on the ground next to me. "ED-" It all went black....again...

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