chapter 7

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Harry's pov

"Dare!" i yelled. Louis smirked at me evilly, oh gosh. When we woke up with morning Megan was really in the mood to play with Paul so i took her down to his room. I guess now they were having a play date or something, even though he's 40 years old. The boys and I got the day off today so we could walk around town a bit but sadly it was raining. Niall came up with the idea for all the boys and I to play truth or dare. Right now it was my turn. 

"ummmm..... I dare you to run into Paul's room and scare Paul and your sister!" Louis shouted. "oh no no no no no nu uh nope i not scaring my baby sister. Not happening!" Why would he even suggest that? "Oh come on your less scary then a cupcake! it'll be fine!" Louis exclaimed! I groaned. Why must I always be under peer presser?

The boys all stood outside our door, watching me while i tiptoe to Paul's room which was 2 doors down. I stood in front of the door and took a deep breath. I quickly busted the door open and screamed on the top of my lungs. I didn't hear anything so I slowly opened my eyes. No one was in there! What the heck? Paul promised me he'd keep Megan safe in his room!

I slowly turned towards the door and began walking out. Wow that was a buzz kill. Just as I walked out the door, 2 people in masks jumped out in front of me and started chasing me. I screamed on the top of my lungs, probably sounding like a girl and ran into Paul's room again and hid behind the couch. After a few seconds I peaked my head out from behind the couch only to see Meg and Paul in front of the door laughing. What the heck was going on?

"Ok please explain because I am so lost." I said, slowly walking away fro the couch. Paul and Meg just continued laughing. "Guys seriously this isn't funny!" I pouted, crossing my arms across my chest. Paul and Megan finally stopped laughing so a bent down and picked her up, placing her on my hip.

"Alright explain!" I said, glaring at Paul. "ok ok! So Meg and I wanted to ask you guys if you wanted to go out to eat for dinner. I was about to knock on your door but I heard you guys saying that you were going to scare us. Meg came up with the idea to scare you instead." Paul chuckled. I looked down at meg to see her shyly smile at me. "I thought what we had was special!" I cried in a overdramatic fake girly voice. "I sorry haz, Its ova." Meg sighed going along with it. I smiled and kissed her head "to bad, your stuck with me!" I cheered, attacking her in kisses.

"So are we still going out to eat or...?" I looked up and saw All the boys standing at the doorway watching u. I nodded and we all headed to the SUV.

Meg's pov-

Harry carried me inside of McDonalds and stoop in line waiting to order, while the other boys got a booth. Since it was pretty late for me, I was wearing my penguin onesie. "Why aren't you guys wearing pj's?" I whispered to Haz. He was the one that changed me so I thought He was going to wear his too. "Because your too fabulous for us!" Harry smiled and kissed my forehead. I leant down and kissed his too. I love Haz. Harry ordered everyone's meal and headed towards the table.

Harry set me down In the annoying baby stool than sat down on the end of the booth next to me. when we got our food I opened my Happy Meal and took out my little toy. It was a little toy blue smurf! Omg I love these things! I smiled really big and began to play with it around the table. "Meg you can't just play with the toy the whole time! Try and eat something." Niall said. I just ignored him and played with my toy. "pllllleeeeeeeeeaaaaaasssseeeee" Niall begs. I giggle and nod, taking a bite out of my fry.

"Paul what do we have planned for tomorrow?" Liam asked, taking a bite out of his burger. Paul swallowed and cleared his throat "Um We have another concert In New York so when we get back to the hotel tonight pack your things because we need to be on the tour bus before 12. Ok boys?" They all nodded and continued eating.

"Are you going to wear your snazzy cool headphones at the concert Meg?" I snapped my head up and looked at all the boys who were now chuckling. "yea! I couldn't hear anything! And there pink!" I cheered, wiggling in my seat. "And way to big for your small head." Harry teased, poking my cheek. The boys all laughed and nodded in agreement. I sighed and continued to play with my smurf. When dinner was over, Harry placed me on his hip and we walked out of the restaurant.

A few minutes later we arrived at the hotel. I packed the few things I brought with me and shoved them into my One direction backpack. "Nice bag kiddo!" Louis said while waking past me. I thanked him and walked over to Harry. "Haz what time is it?" I asked, lightly pulling on his pant's leg. "It's almost 11 and we have to be out of here by 12. are you all packed?" I nodded and picked up my bag so he could see. He gave me a thumbs up than showed me his bag so I could see that he was done. I gave him a thumbs and a smile.

Harry helped me Put my back pack on my back and held my hand. "Are ya'll ready?" The boys and I stared at Harry confused. "Man you've been in America to long!" Zayn cried and the boys all burst out laughing. I just stood there. I have no idea what that means. Harry grips my hand tighter and we walk out of the hotel room.


"should we wake her?"

"It's only 5 in the morning, I don't know."

"But we've got to go."

"Yea but she looks so cute."

"should we just carry her? Maybe bring her stroller?"

I groaned and rolled over. You know that stage where your half asleep and you can hear and feel everything? Well that's what im in right now. I am not waking up. Im way too tired. "I think she's waking up." One of the boys whispered. Ha no. You thought wrong. I buried my head further under the covers and slowly fell back asleep.

I woke up a few minutes later on someone's hip, probably Harry's. Why on earth are they up at 5 in the morning and more importantly why were they trying to wake me up at 5 in the morning. I slowly open my eyes and looked around. Harry was carrying me outside of the tour bus while the other boys were carrying clothes and instruments. "Oh look your awake!" he cheered. i groaned and snuggled into Harry's chest a little more. "I know im sorry babe we we've got sound check." Harry whispered into my ear. Liam rolled the stroller over to Harry, who was just about to set me in it.

"No no no no no." I groaned, a little too tired to argue. I held onto Harry super tight. I didn't wanna let go of him, i didn't wanna go in the stroller! "Baby girl please? I need to help them carry things inside the arena and you look way to exhausted to even stand." I nodded and let him put me in. "Do you want this?" Harry asked me, holding up my binky. I nodded and he slipped it into my mouth. He kissed my forehead and closed the cover of the stroller half way so I could still see.

I guess I slept through sound check because when I woke up, I was still in my stroller In a room with all of the boys. They were all on there phones playing games or something. I tired to get out but of course i was buckled in and i couldn't talk with my binky so I laid back down and sighed. I hatted being in these strollers. Sometimes they were nice but other times I couldn't stand them. Harry finally noticed I was awake and strolled over to me.

He took the binky out of my mouth and sat next to the stroller. "Hey your awake! You missed sound check and the concert is starting in about an hour." I nodded. "Can you get me out of here?" I mumbled quietly to Harry. I was still sleepy but that doesn't mean they have to keep me here. "Um...I'm not sure that's a good idea babe. Backstage is a bit crowded today and the arena is already full of fans. I don't want you getting lost." Harry frowned at me. "plus you look exhausted." I pouted and stared at him. "Im not that tired" I whined at him than let out a huge yawn. "Are you sure about that?" Harry chuckled at me.

He was right. I sighed and closed my eyes and fell back asleep.

Harry's pov-

Yup she officially hates her stroller. I placed her giant pink head phones over her ears and her binky back in her mouth and walked over to the boys. "K boys lets go rock this concert!"  


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