chapter 22

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Megan's pov-

"SUPRISE!" Everyone shouted and jumped out of their hiding spots. I giggled and walked over to Simon, giving him a big birthday hug. Simon lifted me up. placing me on his hip and giving me a kiss on the cheek. All the boys walked over to Simon and I, as well as some of the other guests, wishing Simon a happy birthday.

When the crowd dispersed, Simon walked over to the boys and gave them all a big man hug, me still on his hip. "Did you boys do this for me?" Simon asked them. "Yep. I mean, your the one that put us in a band, we at least owe you something right!" Harry said, all the boys, including Simon began to laugh. "Well I really appreciate it." Simon smiled. "Well lets get this party started!" Louis shouted.

Soon the DJ was playing music and everyone was either dancing on the dance floor or eating the delicious food at one of the many tables in the ball room. It's so cool here! I've never been to a party, well, except for that one time I went to my friend Sara's birthday party but I ate to much cake and threw up..........

"How are you liking the party baby cheeks?" Harry asked me over the music. I looked up at him and smiled like the Cheshire cat. "Its so pretty Haz." I giggled. Harry and I are currently dancing on the dance floor, well, if you would consider this dancing. Because of our height difference, Harry is slightly bending over, holding my hands and swaying with the music. I don't mind though, I'm having a blast!

Their are a few kids here as well. I think there is a boy who looks around 8, two girls who look 12, and a group of teenagers around 15 years old. I think I'm the youngest except for the little baby in the stroller in the corner with his mom. Most of the people here are kind of old, around Simon's age or older, except for the boys of course. They are 19, 20, and 22.

I think Harry noticed that my feet were begging to tire because he picks me up and places me on his hip, before walking over to the boys who were talking with an older, professional looking man. "Henry sir. Nice to see you again!" Harry shook the mans hand as we approached the boys. "Oh my Harry look at you! I haven't seen you in ages." The man smiled before looking down at me. "Oh who might you be cutie?" The man smiled as he saw me. I hid my face in Harry's chest and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I'm sorry she's a bit shy with strangers. This is Megan. Megan say hi to Henry." Harry introduced me to the man. I lifted my head and said a small hello to the man and gave him a shy smile. "I'm Megan and I'm two years old." I said, holding up two fingers, or at least I thought it was two fingers before Harry put one finger down for me. "Now its two. She's not the best with numbers yet." All the boys chuckled, even Henry. I blushed and put my head on Harry's shoulder.

Harry introduced me to lots of people and danced with me a little more before we all sat down for the main meal of the party. Harry sat me down on his lap and placed a napkin on my lap. The boys sat at our circular table, along with two other older men who I don't recognize. A waitress soon brought us each a huge plate with meats and vegetables on it. Yummy! Harry got out my sippy cup from his bag and handed it to me. I used both hands and began to drink my chocolate milk. Oh how I love chocolate milk. The boys and the rest of the party began to eat their meals while I ate my cheerios from my container Harry brought. Not that I'm complaining though, I love my cheerios.

For most of the time, I completely zoned the boys and the rest of the party out. I was to caught up in making pictures with my cheerios. I should write a cheerio song. it would go like this, Cheerios cheerios I love cherrios. Brilliant! I could sell an album! I was shaken out of my thoughts when Harry sneezed. I blessed him before looking up to see everyone at our table done with their food. Wow I must have zoned out for a while. But you've got to admit, my cheerios song is pretty good.

Harry gave me a big kiss on the cheek before standing up with me on his hip. "I'm going to take this little one to the restroom. Be back in a flash." Harry waved to the boys at our table before walking off with me to the restroom. Ew I hate getting my diaper changed. Stupid baby problems. I put both of my hands on Harry's forearm and tried to push it away. "Haaaaz noooo." I whined as he continued to the restroom. "Aw babe c'mon. You don't want to be stinky now do you?" He asked. I shook my head no but continued to try to pry his arms away from me.

"Hazy I don't want to!" I tried to stay calm because I'm not a huge fan of crying and were in public but I really don't want Harry to change me. I don't know why, I just don't.  "Haz stop it." I sniffled back some tears." Harry pushed open the doors and soon we were out of the ball room, walking through a hallway. "Babe its ok. No more stinky!" He smiled down at me and patted my bum, giving me a kiss on the head.

He pushed open the doors of the mens room and walked over to the changing counter. (I know men bathrooms usually don't have a changing station but just go with it for the sake of the story) He opened it up and sat me down on it. "Hazzy no. I'm fine. No stinky." I said, trying to hold back my tears. Harry smiled at me before taking out a wipe and a fresh diaper from his bag. He laid me down and began to take off my diaper.

"So how are you liking the party babe?" Harry asked, trying to distract me as he wiped my bum with the wipe. "Hazzy its fun. Did you see da cake. Its bigga den me!" I threw my hands up excitedly. "Yea I saw! That's going to be yummy!" Harry smiled as he put a clean diaper on me. "Are you tired? Were only half way through the party." Harry asked me. I shook my head no. "Ok well don't forget to tell me if you are, ok?" He said. I nodded and Harry helped me up so I was standing on the counter.

"Yay! All clean! No more stinkys!" Harry smiled and patted my now clean bum. "No more stinky's!" I agreed and gave him a big hug. He hugged me back and walked out of the restroom with me on his hip. He walked back over to the table where the other boys were and sat down in his original spot, me on his lap. "I have no more stinkys." I informed the rest of the boys, smiling at my achievement.

All the boys burst out laughing and reached over the table to give me a high 5. "Do you want to dance?" Louis asked. I nodded and the boys and I walked to the dance floor and did ridiculous dances in the crowd of people. After a while of dancing I grew tired and walked over to the table and sat down, day dreaming about being a princess.

Harry's pov-   

This party has been a blast! Its around 7:30 pm which means we've been here for around 9 hours and surprisingly the boys and I aren't tired at all but I can tell Megan is. I excuse my self from the dance floor for a minute and kneel down in front of Megan's chair. "Hey babe you tired now?" I asked her. She nodded and gave out a big yawn. "I know, you didn't have your nap and it's already almost your bed time. We are gonna stay for a couple more hours if that's ok but you can play on my phone or sleep. Whatever you want." I whispered to her but loud enough so she could hear over the music and talking.

She nodded her head and gave me a kiss on the nose. "Your the best you know that?" I asked her. She nodded and smiled. "Yea I know. But you are too." I laughed and pulled out her binky from my pocket. "Hey please use this." I begged her, holding out the binky. "No Haz. I don't like dat." She pouted. "Please babe. Your tired and you've had a long day." I begged. She didn't respond so I slowly slid her binky into her mouth and kissed her head. "Ok here's my phone. If anyone calls just ignore it. Love ya babe. I'll be right there on the dance floor if you need me." She nodded and with that, I got up and walked back to the other boys.


3 hours later

I shifted Megan's weight on my hip as a chatted with Simon. "Happy birthday uncle Si. The party was great." I smiled and swayed back and forth to keep Megan's sleeping figure calm. "Thank you Harry. And don't thank me! Your the one who organized this party, with the help of the other boys of course." I chuckled. "Any time. Well anyways we better get going. See you later." We said our goodbyes to Simon before the boys and I walked out of the building.

Megan fell asleep about an hour after I gave her my phone. Paul carried her sleeping self around the party as he talked with some friends so she wouldn't be alone if she awoke. She had a lot of fun today and I'm so happy. "I'm actually surprised she stayed awake for as long as she did." Zayn said as I buckled her in her car seat. We all chuckled and agreed and soon we were heading home.

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