chapter 15

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Megan's pov-

Today is going to be an awful day. The North American part of the tour is over so today were flying to Australia. That's almost a 2 day flight! To make it even worse, We had to wake up at 2 in the morning! Sometimes traveling is great, but other times, I hate it. Today is one of those days I hate it. The only good thing is that we will be flying in a private Jet instead of a regular plane.

"Meg. Meg c'mon you need to wake up." Harry whispered in my ear. Harry woke me up earlier and placed me on his hip but I fell asleep again. Now he's trying to get me up again because he needs to help with everyone's suit cases and the equipment. "Mate, just use the stroller. She looks exhausted." Someone whispered to Harry. "I cant, I don't have enough hands to help everyone with their bags and equipment if I'm pushing a stroller. I just need to wake her up for about 10 minutes then she can sleep again." Harry whispered back.

"Meg" Harry started rubbing my back. I groaned in response. "I know it sucks but I need you to just stay awake for 10 minutes, then you can sleep for how ever long you want to, k?" I groggily lifted my head from his shoulder and rubbed my eyes. Harry gave me a big kiss on my head and set me down on the ground. I stood there with Ted bear in my arms and a binky in my mouth, just watching everyone put everything In the big car. "Wow, loving the pajamas Meg!" Niall's cheerful voice said from above me. I looked up and saw Niall standing in front of me, a big grin across his face. I wanted to thank Niall but I was to tired so instead, I looked down and rubbed my eyes.

Niall bent down to my height and opened his arms out for me. I slowly walked in and Niall gave me a huge hug, kissing me on the head. "I would love to carry you right now, and I know you would love it too, but Harry would kill me if you fell asleep again." Niall joked. I giggled and let out another yawn. "How aren't you and da boys tired?" I mumbled into his chest. "Well, because me and the boys are a lot older then you and we also are used to the whole traveling and waking up early thing." Niall chuckled. I nodded understanding.

After a few minutes of talking with Niall, Harry came back and held my hand in his. "Were all ready. Lets go." Harry told Niall. Niall stood up and held my other hand and we walked towards the big black car. Harry picked me up and placed me in my car seat and buckled me in. The car ride was pretty short. I just kept falling in and out of a light sleep. The boys just chatted away in their on conversations the whole time. By the time we got there I was awake again. Louis stepped out first and took me out of my car seat, placing me on his hip while the other boys got out.

Harry came over to Louis and I with my stroller. Louis started to place me In but once I noticed what he was doing, I stared to wiggle in his grip and hold him as tight as I could. I know I'm tired but I'm also grumpy and I do not want to be in the stroller. I know what your thinking, dang, this girl gets tired and grumpy way to much! Ugh I know, But it's hard to not be when your 2 and you half to wake up this early a lot. My eyes started to water and I cried into Louis. "Mate I-I" Louis tried to say to Harry. "It's fine it's not your fault. She's grumpy." Harry chuckled at Louis. "Just don't use her stroller. We'll help you with your bags." Liam smiled to us. Harry sighed and thanked Liam.

Louis set me down on the ground and Harry put my 1D backpack on my back. Louis and Harry both grabbed one of my hands and we all walked into the airport. The airport was a bit small because it was for small planes and jets. I wonder what Australia is like. Harry told me it's beautiful and Liam said he would help me swim because the ocean is amazing. My thoughts were interrupted when I huge light flashed in my face. I looked up to see many people with huge cameras in their hands. They kept shouting random things at us and shoving their microphones in our faces. I huge man accidently bumped into me and I lost my grip on Harry and Louis. I gasped when many of the people surrounded me and pointed their cameras in my face.

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