|/:-)the next morning(-:\|
~_~your pov~_~You slowly open you eyes and sit up. You go to the bathroom and freshen up while you think about what happened yesterday. After you're done freshening up and spacing out, you look up to your mirror and see cat ears on the top of your head. You gasp and back away from the mirror. Then you sprint to the living room, finding goat mom reading a book about snails. "MOM" you yelled "WHAT HAPPENED?! WHAT AM I?!" "(Y/n) please calm down" she said calmly "first I don't know what happened and second you're a Neko, a human cat hybrid."
You fell to the floor, feeling lightheaded. While you were on the ground you started to fade in and out of consciousness. First goat mom dropped her book, then she was right next to you, then she was calling someone, then you blacked out. You awoke in yet another dark room with yet another child. But this time it was actually a human child. "Hello there" you called out. The child saw you and disappeared. You looked around and when you looked back forward the child was in front of your face. "AHHH!!" you screamed. The child giggled and introduced themselves "greetings (y/n)" they said "I am chara" "how do you know my name?" You asked, still scared. "I lost my soul" she said calmly, but you could see the sadness in her eyes, "so I'm stuck in this lonely void, but I can see people by thinking of them and a screen pops up." "oh" you said still studying her. She had rosy cheeks, blood red eyes, and she was pale.
"I called you here because I want you to help me" she said "with what?" You asked "i want you to kill everyone in the underground." She said maliciously " why would I do that monsters are so nice" you said confused "especially goat mom" chara flinched at the name "fine then," she said still malicious "we'll have to talk another time" "bye chara!" You said waving.
You woke up in an unfamiliar place. You were laying on a green couch, with two skeletons hovering over you. "HELLO
HUMAN!" The taller skeleton shouted "I AM THE GREAT PAPYRUS, AND THIS IS MY BROTHER, SANS!" "sup" said the smaller skeleton. You sat up then introduced yourself "My names (y/n), nice to meet you both." You said calmly. You stood up and shook papyrus's hand and you turned towards sans to shake his hand. When you shook his hand a whoopee cushion went off. You laughed a lot, while papyrus groaned and walked off. Sans on the other hand was on the floor. When you two caught your breath, you both sat back on the couch. "Hey um, (y/n)" he said in a handsomely deep voice "would ya like to go to grillbys with me?" You thought for a second, and you trusted this sans person. "Sure" you said "alright let's go" he said grabbing your hand. You blushed white and you noticed a blue color on his face. He must be blushing too. You thought. All of a sudden you were teleported to a warm, cozy looking, bar. Sans, still holding your hand, walked over to the bar and sat down. You sat next to him and a fire monster come up to the both of you. "Hey sans" he said quietly "hello ms, I'm grillby" he said extending his fiery hand to you "I'm (y/n)," you said taking his hand "nice to meet you grillby." You said politely. Sans studied you and you couldn't help but blush. "Hey (y/n), is it normal for humans to blush white, and have cat ears, and a cat tail?"You froze at the question sans asked. "Um well I'm not human anymore," you said "I used to be until two days ago." "Oh" Sans said "well after we get something to eat, can I show you something only I know about?" He asked "why would you trust me with a secret? You barely know me." You said tilting you head to the side.
//"-- sans pov--"\\"Why would you trust me with a secret? You barely know me." She said tilting her head. oh my gosh she is so cute I thought no i can't like her, besides she wouldn't like me back anyway.
[|{*your pov*}|]
sans looked deep in thought. You started thinking about what he was thinking about. Wow he's cute when he's thinking, wonder what he's thinking about? Maybe it's me, no it can't be me I know for a fact he doesn't like me back. Oh well I guess I should see what's up with him. You snapped out of your thoughts and waved a hand in front of sans' face, making him snap out of his thoughts. He blushed making you smile, which makes him blush more. Grillby came back and asked for your orders. "I'll take some fries." You said "ok make that two orders of fries with a side of ketchup for me" he said still blushing. Grillby went into the back for a split second then came back out with two steaming plates of fries and a bottle of ketchup.
You and sans had finished eating and had good time telling jokes and stories. After awhile sans started to look a little nervous. "Hey uhh, (y/n) you didn't answer my from earlier." He said starting to sweat "will you come with me so I can show you my secret?" "Oh, sure sans." You said
He took you to a cave in waterfall and sat down next to you. "Well," sans started...
Yet another cliffhanger. XD but OVER 200 READS WOW *instant confetti* YAY THANKS ALL YOU PUMPKINS!! In the comment section, ask me questions and I'll answer. THANKS BYEEEE

Opposites attract (Werewolf! Sans X Neko! Reader
FanfictionYou find secrets, have embarrassing moments, and fall in love with a special skeleton who loves you back! Here's book two!! http://my.w.tt/UiNb/DiAp4D8loF