Chapter 4

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In some chapters I might use a different language but it won't be long sentences, it'll be a word or two. This language I'm not sure if its actually real or not but I got it from a show. Sometimes I'll use other languages that are real. Either way at the end of the chapter I will have the translations. If you can actually figure out what the word meant when you were reading, then you can skip the "author's note" at the end. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to ask me or just comment about something from the story. Well keep reading and I hope you enjoy!


I woke up to a killer headache. I sat up to notice that I was no longer tied to a chair but in a bed. I remembered the events of last night, how Bobby and two guys got me out from the werewolves lair. With that in mind I supposed I was in one of Bobby's rooms.

I got up from the bed swung my legs to the side and stepped. The floorboards underneath me squeaked earning a flinch from me. I walked towards the door, as I got closer I made sure no one was on the other side.

I opened the door carefully making sure no noise was made. I approached the stairs cautiously in case if someone came up them. I went down them, a small noise was made from every step I took, but not loud enough for anyone to hear. As I neared the bottom, I heard voices. I walked towards them, leading me to what looked like a living room.

I didn't make my presence known until I was sure it was safe to do so.

"Bobby who the hell is that girl," said a deep voice.

Bobby replied with, "it's not my place to say."

Again the deep voice talked, "what do you mean it's not your place to say. We just helped you rescue her, we should at least know what her name is."

I walked out from behind the wall, standing confidently saying, "Allison. My name is Allison Walker."

"Now down to business. Bobby where's Max?" I asked him.

For a moment he look scared but changed his expression and said in a soft tone, "I don't know."

With not much worry I responded, "oh, that's ok." I then walked outside without another word. Bobby and the two guys followed curious as to where I was going. With a loud shout I screamed, "Max, come on, we're leaving."

In a few seconds he showed up running towards me. Sitting in front of me waiting for my next orders.

I turned towards Bobby and the two guys and said, "well Bobby, thanks for the great information that you gave me. Also Bobby how the hell did you contact my dad?" I asked with a emotionless face. "I called him and he responded," with that answer I boiled up with anger but made sure not to show it. "Well Bobby I'm off," I said to him. Then I turned to the two guys, "well boys hope to never see you again," I said with a smile.

I turned and started walking towards my car, which I supposed Bobby brought back for me, while saying, "come on Max, get in." I opened the passenger seat for him to get into. I closed the door after he got on.

I turned to the guy that looked older and said, "by the way, nice car." After that I got in my car and drove off, not heading anywhere specific.


After she left, along with Sam we turned to Bobby with a shocked face, with me being the first to question him. "That was Allison Walker? As in the daughter of the hunter Daryl Walker?"

Bobby had a look on his face that I couldn't tell what it meant. He let out a deep breathe and said, "yes, Daryl Walker's daughter."

He turned around without another word and walked back into the house. Sam and me shared a look before following after him not saying anything else.


I kept driving until it got dark, and drove up to a motel. My felt so sore, I didn't even wanna get out of the car to get a room. I considered just sleeping in the car but I needed a shower and so did Max.

I looked down to Max, who had his head resting on my leg. He looked up at me and snuggled into my neck before sitting back and looking at me again; for some reason I felt a bit stronger. I smiled and scratched him behind his ear.

"Stay here Max, I'm going to go get us a room," with that I left the car running and went into the motel and checked us into a room.

As I was walking back, I heard Max bark causing me to walk faster back to the car. As soon as I knew no one was looking I pulled out my knife and looked up at where my car was.

I saw Max growling at the two guys that had been at Bobby's place. The eldest guy was looking Max in a frightened way while the taller guy just rolled his eyes at the other guy.

"Max, daun!" I ordered him. The two guys turned to me confused at the different language.

"You shouldn't get near other people's animals." I told them, with that said I called out to Max, "come on Max." Max opened the car door himself, which the two guys seemed amazed at, and trotted over to me. I walked towards my room, not saying anything else to them.

When we reached my room I let Max in first then locked the door behind me.

I headed to the bathroom and called out to Max, "Max, bath time!" He came walking in and jumped into the bath tube.

After 15 minutes of showering him I dried him up and let him out. He headed straight to the bed and laid down, and looked at me.

"Alright Max I'm going to shower now, ok? If someone knocks at the door bark softly for me to hear, if someone tries to break in bark loudly alright." He answered me by turning around and looking at the door instead, so I headed into the bathroom.

When I got out of the shower I got dressed and opened the bathroom door. Max was sleeping right at the entrance of the bathroom. I got down and picked him up, even weighting alot I am able to pick Max up.

As I was walking to the bed, he lifted his head and licked my cheek. I smiled and laid him down on the bed, he went to get up and I said, "buddy go back to sleep I'll come to bed in a bit." With that I patted his head as he laid back down.

I headed to the kitchen that was in the room, and on the way I took my bag. Putting my bag on the kitchen counter, I opened it and took out an unopened bottle of vodka. I opened the bottle and leaned against the counter, taking a swig of the vodka.

I continued on doing this until the bottle was empty. As I looked to the side, I looked at the time. Three hours had passed since I started drinking, it was now 3 in the morning.

I headed to the bed and laid down. In doing so, Max woke up and moved towards where my head was. He laid his head down right below my neck. I laid my hand on his head and scratched behind his ears causing him to sleep. I laid there for about half an hour until sleep came to me.

Daun- down

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