Chapter 9: The Night

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After all the members finished eating their ramen, 7 of them went upstairs and me Annabelle, Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Kai, Suho, Sehun, and Luhan played truth or dare downstairs.
"Truth or dare, Amanda" Chanyeol asked.
"Who's your bias out of us 5?" Chanyeol said with a smirk.
"Baekhyun..." I mumbled.
"Who?" Sehun said.
"BAEKHYUN I SAID BAEKHYUN!!" I snapped as the members' eyes widened at me. "Sorry" I said and looked away in shame.
"Ok. Truth or dare, Luhan?" Suho said.
"Dare" Luhan retorted.
"I dare you to kiss Annabelle's cheek!" Suho shouted.
"NO WAY!" Chanyeol stepped in taking Annabelle upstairs without a single word.
"Ok then...Baekhyun do it!" Sehun said.
"No ANYONE but Baek!" I said.
"Luhan, kiss Amanda then!" Suho exclaimed.
"On the cheek?" Luhan asked.
"No, on the lips cause you didn't do your first dare," Sehun said. Suho nodded his head in agreement. Luhan came closer to me until he was close enough that I could feel his breath on my lips. He was about to lean in when Baekyhun pushed Luhan away and took ahold of my wrist.
"Yah! What was that for?" Luhan asked rubbing the back of his head where it hit the ground.
"Let's go to bed, it's getting late" Baekhyun said in an angered tone. Tao, Kris, Xiumin, and D.O. took the blow up bed in the living room and Chanyeol and Annabelle took the couch closely cuddling together. Chen, Kai, Lay and Suho were in the guest bedroom, Luhan and sehun were in my brother's old room Baekyhun insisted and slept in my room but I took the bed and forced him to sleep on the floor. Soon all the members fell asleep but I just couldn't. I kept thinking of Baekhyun. I went downstairs to grab a glass of water and spotted Chanyeol and Annabelle on the couch. I couldn't help but laugh when I saw like a foot of Chanyeol's legs hanging off the couch.
"That boy is to tall" I snickered. I turned to the sound of a sniffle coming from the other side of the kitchen. I turned on the lights to find a Baekhyun with tear stained cheeks.
"Baek? What's wrong?" I asked concern. I helped him up when he gave me a hug.
Baekyhuns POV:
I kept thinking about Amanda I couldn't get her out of my mind. Her smile, her laugh, just her in general made me happy. Then she came back into my mind.
I was with Abby at a picnic, I was truly in love with this girl and I confessed to her. She got so shocked and ran away never wanting to see me. I let her go so easily and I've never felt this way with anyone
~end of flashback~
I've never felt this way with anyone except Amanda... I went downstairs and all my emotions hit me like a rock I didn't want to wake Amanda up so I just went into the kitchen and cried. Amanda came down to get water she noticed me and said, "Baek what's wrong?" I just wanted to hug her, hold her, kiss her and love her. We went upstairs without saying a single word. "Baek tell me what's wrong?" She asked again.
"Do you trust me?" I asked her.
"O-of course I do!" She said.
"Good I hope it stays that way..." The next second I flung myself to her, pinned her down to the ground, laying on to of her using my arms to trap her.
Amanda's POV:
Baekyhun tackled me to the floor I yelled "BAEK WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" When Sehun walked into our room and told us to be quieter not even noticing what Baekhyun was doing.
When he left Baekhyun just looked into my eyes and tried to kiss me, I put my hands on his chest and tried to push him off. To be honest, I've never had my first kiss like an actually kiss and I was worried as hell. " HELP!!" I yelled. A few seconds later Chanyeol and Annabelle come in the room.
"BAEKYHUN?!? What are you and Amanda doing?!?" Annabelle yelled as Chanyeol tried to pry him off of me. When he finally got off, Annabelle slapped Baekyhun right across the face "that's what you get for trying to kiss my best friend, you shit!!" Annabelle yelled. Baekyhun looked at me "kkapesong?" He chuckled lightly being careful. He tried to take my hand into his but I flinched back. I could see the hurt in his eyes. A second later, he bolted out of the room into the guest room and slept.
Annabelle went downstairs and Chanyeol came to me and said, "don't take anything by that, Baekhyun isn't usually like that." Chanyeol said messing up his hair.
"Why is he so like that, like so just out there? So expressive?" I asked.
"About 6 years ago Baekyhun fell in with this girl and he finally told her and she ran away and he didn't even try to find her. He hasn't felt that way since....."
"Since what?" I asked.
"Since you came along..." Chanyeol said making my eyes widen and a grin formed on my face.

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