Chapter 21: First Date

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Baekyhun POV:
Amanda was now my girlfriend and I wanted to spoil her. I asked her to go on a date with me.
"Hey since we're .....official ..... Do you want to go on a date with me?" I asked.
"Uh sure! We can invite Chanyeol and Annabelle too!" She replied.
"No, i want it to be just you and me."I said kissing her hand.
Amanda's POV:
I was excited Baekyhun asked me on a date, but I was a little nervous because it was my first actual date. I didn't want it to be awkward so I asked if Annabelle and Chanyeol could come.
"No, I want it to be just you and me" he said kissing my hand. I just nodded my head pulling him into a hug. He put his haid on my shoulder.
"What do you wanna do?" Baekyhun asked me mumbling.
"Ooh!" I said pulling away from him."Can we make some mochi?" I asked.
"Great idea!" He said chasing after me as I ran into the kitchen.
"Bye everyone!" Chanyeol said waving to the other members who were heading to the door.
"We'll see you in a month or 2" Suho said as Chanyeol went back to Annabelle in her room.
" Baek get out the rice flour!" I said pointing to the pantry. Baekyhun got the rice flour and sugar and mixed it in a bowl. I took the bowl filled it with water and headed to the microwave.
" how long do we heat it up for?" I asked.
"I don't know? 30 seconds?" He said. I nodded my head and placed it in the microwave. After it was done took it out and asked Baekyhun, " what now?"
"We have to leave it in the fridge for a few hours." He said reading the instructions on his phone.
"What are we gonna do in the meantime?" He asked.
"We can go on that date you were talking about?" I said sheepishly.
He took my hand into his and looked me in the eyes before placing a sweet peck on my lips and pulled me into a hug. He started to pull away but I held him tighter. He responded instantly and hugged me back. I kinda didn't wanna go out on the date. I just wanted to stay home. It gives me less of a chance to screw things up.
"Where do you wanna go on the date." He asked his words getting muffled as as he kissed my forehead.
"I don't wanna go anywhere I wanna stay right here" I said. Baekyhun gave a small nod and we started to head upstairs. I grabbed my laptop and headed to the bed where Baekyhun was waiting. He pulled me into a hug and placed my head on his lap and started looking for a movie we could watch.
"Uggggggh the computer died. I'll go get the cord." I said pulling my head off his lap.
"No it's ok we don't need to watch the movie." He said pulling me back to his lap. I was really tired and ended up drifting of to sleep.
I was walking in the bubble tea shop when I saw him. The man in the black mask.
"Amanda." He says starring at me.
"W-who are you?" I said. The man removes his mask and looked me in the eyes. "D-dad?"
~end of dream~
Baekyhuns POV:
Amanda grabbed her laptop and tried to pull up a movie but the laptop died.
"Uggggggggh the computer died. I'll get the cord." She said.
"No it's ok we don't need to watch a movie." I said pulling her into a hug. She ended up falling asleep.
I just laughed and pushed her hair behind her ear.
"How did I get so lucky?" I laughed.
"I don't know but don't screw it up." Chanyeol said. "Come on we're gonna go get bubble tea you guys should come." He said leaving. I started to shake her.
"Amanda?" I said.
"D-dad?" She said before opening her eyes. " hey Annabelle and Chanyeol invited to get bubble tea, do you wanna go?" I said ignoring her statement.
"Yeah let's go!" She said pudding off of me. I laughed and chased after her.
~time skip to bubble tea shop~
Amanda's POV:
I kept thinking about my dream. I wondered of the man was actually my dad or if it was just what my mind made up. I didn't pay to much attention to it though. I ordered my drink and stood next to Baekyhun. Annabelle and Chanyeol ordered and we sat at the table waiting for our drinks. I started looking at the window recalling Baekyhun asking me out and our first kiss. Then i started thinking about the the man in my dreams. ' he couldn't be my dad he died in the woods years ago' I thought.
"What's wrong?" Baekyhun asked snapping me out of my thinking state.
"Wha~ yeah I'm fine." I said kissing his cheek to reassure him. We got our drinks and headed to the car when I saw the man standing in the parking lot still wearing the mask. I looked away when the man called out my name.
" Amanda."
I turned my head to look at the man. At that moment he took the mask off and looked me in the eyes. I was face to face with my father.

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