Chapter 32: The Break Up

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Amanda's POV
"What did you just say?" Baekhyun asked.
"" I said emphasizing each word to make it clearer for him. I tried to say it in a calm voice but every word was like a stab in my heart.
"What?! This is a joke right Jagiya? It's not funny." He said looking like he was going to cry.
"Baekyhun does it look like I'm joking? Im serious, let's break up." I said. Honestly I want wanted to tell him that I'll be his forever.
"What?! Why?? What did I do wrong?!" He said showing anger and hurt. 'Oh god help me! I don't mind seeing him mad but I can't stand to see him hurt!' I thought.
"I'm sorry I just don't love you anymore." I lied. I was pretty sure I could love him and him only. "You've been out a lot and my feelings just kinda went away..." I said shrugging. "Right now I don't have any feelings for you so let's just end it." I lied again. I always prayed that our love would last a lifetime.
"No I don't believe this! How can you do this to me! I know I haven't been around that much this week but I can make it up to you!" He said desperately. "Just please don't do this to me." He begged trying to take my hands. I shook my hands free and said 4 words that probably shattered my heart more then his.
"I don't love you." I said as he tried to pull me into a hug. 'Please Baek don't make this harder then it already is' I thought.
"Please just leave. I think it would be better if we completely don't see eachother anymore." I said using all my will power to hold back my tears. He stood strait in shock for a moment then reached the handle to your door. He stopped for a moment and looked back at me.
" I wish I could hate you.....but I can't I will always love you Amanda." I heard the sound of food steps behind the slammed door. Sorrowed silence took over the room as I fell to my knees and cried my heart out.
Baekhyuns POV:
I closed the door and walked to my car. "WHAT THE HELL DID I DO WRONG!!" I yelled in the air kicking the tire sobbing. I sat in the car and just cried until I couldn't anymore. I relized I had no place to sleep so I called Suho.
"Hey Baek what's up?" He said.
"Hey do you mind if I come over for the next few days?" I asked holding back a sniffle.
"Yea that's fine. Is everything alright?" He asked.
"Yea.." I sniffled. "Except the fact me and Amanda just broke up." I said trying to choke back the tears.
"Ah man I'm sorry to hear that." Suho said sympathetically.
"It's alright. I'll see you in 20 minutes." I said sitting back and hanging up. I texted Chanyeol.

Hey Chan, Amanda broke up with me today but I'm fine don't worry. I'm heading back with the guys I'll be sleeping there for the next few days. I hope you and Annabelle stay together. Fighting!

After I drove to the dorm...
Chanyeols POV:
I was out with Annabelle and we were drinking boba when I got a text from Baekhyun.
"Hey Annabelle something popped up and I gotta go you can go shopping for an hour or so and I'll meet you at the movies." She nodded her head and I headed to the car and drove to Amanda's.

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