Forever Dead ::18:: Everything is Illuminated

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If you want to fully understand this chapter please go to my facebook page and read the short story entitled "Carmens Story" or it may be a little confusing at the end. The link is over here, just click external link ------------------------------------------------------------->

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Moonlight. It engulfed me as I opened my eyes and stared at the world around me.

“Where am I?” I asked, my voice echoing against the hallow darkness that surrounded me.

“Don’t fight it Audrina.” I felt myself involuntarily take a step, distancing myself from the circle of light I stood in.

“Don’t come into the darkness Audrina. You are not allowed here.” My feet barely touched the barrier, but I felt the power from the darkness tickle my toes.

“Who are you?” There was no more pain, but I felt nauseous as I stood on wobbly legs.

“I am who you think I am. Whatever you want me to be I can be.” The silky voice replied.

“I want you to be who you really are. Show me.”

“I am not allowed in the light, just as you are not allowed in the darkness. It is where we were meant to be.” it said, wistfully.

“Why am I here, and where am I?”

“Which question would you like me to answer first?”

“Where am I?” I was getting frustrated with the tricky answers.

“You are visiting. That is all you need to know.”


“Because Audrina, you need me. Your body is going through a change… a big one, and it sought out the comfort of someone close to you.”

“I don’t even know you.” I spat.

“Oh you do know me, the same blood courses through our veins.” I looked down to my arm as I felt a pulsing throb and saw my veins bulging with a purple liquid.

“What is happening to me?” My voice betrayed me and quivered, shattering the illusion of confidence.

“You are inheriting your powers. It is your 18th birthday.” That’s right. Quinn had told me but I forgot. I am a witch.

“Am I a witch?” I asked.

“Yes.” With the word I let a sigh escape my lungs. I was not human. I was part of this world, which I hated.

“Are you a witch?” I asked hopeful for answers.

“Yes. In fact, we are related, you and I…and your sister.”

“Sister?” How could I have forgotten so easily? I had a sister… a twin if Quinn was right.

“Where is she?”

“She is with you. She is very close to you Audrina, has been almost your entire life.”

“Is she killing the girls?”

“I cannot answer that for you, that is for you and her to discuss.”

“But Quinn said she is my twin. I haven’t seen her…” I said.

“Do not forget she is a witch Audrina. A powerful witch who taught her to expedite her powers raised her here, in Mortuus. She has had use of her powers for many years, and has glamoured herself…. hidden from you right underneath your nose.” I heard her stepping around in the darkness as if she were pacing.

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